
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Grateful to be home...

After a month and a half of living in limbo, we are happily nesting in our new to us home.  If you've been a reader here for any length of time, you know that fluffing my nest is my happy zone.  While packing up and moving is near the top of things I don't like to do, unpacking and putting things away and making a new to us house into a home is near the top of things I do like to do.  This is the fun part of the transition! The kitchen and bathrooms and bedrooms are unpacked and operational, so life is already feeling a bit more "normal" after the topsy turvy ride we've been on since our former house sold.

Thank you for your patience with my hit and miss blogging during this time.  It may be a short while before things get back to "normal" since we don't have wi-fi hooked up yet and we are still in the thick of unpacking and house projects.  Meanwhile, I want to make sure that I'm at least being faithful to post my weekly gratitude list.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a new soft, cozy sweatshirt
-our oldest daughter bringing us lunch
-our two youngest granddaughters having fun at the hotel swimming pool

-Wendy's frosties with them after swimming
-watching The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and munching popcorn with my hubs
-catching up on sleep after our London trip

-sunrise from the hotel window
-this transition reminding me that home is not a place or even another person but is Christ alone
-the phone call that we're finally "clear to close" on our new to us home

-new running shoes
-a long phone call from my friend
-showing our friends our new home
-our nephew cooking us a great dinner of kebabs and rice

-we closed on our house!
-funded and recorded and keys in hand!
-money due back to us
-another piece of good news and answered prayer
-getting our new bed all set up to spend the first night
-help from friends

-getting all the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and bathrooms cleaned, 
stripped of old contact paper, and freshly lined
-one of the young men from church cutting down some of the old overgrown arborvitae in the yard
-our two oldest grandkids, my nephew and his wife, and friends from church all helping out
-new faucets installed to replace the old out of date ones

-sweet quiet time in the Word before the busy-ness to come
 when the Uhaul boxes containing all of our stuff get delivered today
-the Uboxes delivered and unpacked!
-the kitchen boxes all unpacked and put away
-all of the amazing help we have had

-a friendly bluebird in our new backyard
-meeting our neighbors
-an encouraging morning at church
-a housewarming gift
-our soon to be niece's wedding shower

gratefully yours, 


  1. I always find I have a smile on my face after reading your posts. They are so uplifting. I'm glad you are settling into you new home. Thank you for making me smile. Sammie

  2. Can't wait to see more glimpses of your new home...

  3. Hi Elizabeth! Yay! You're all tucked into your new place, and ready to make it your own. I hope you have day after day of creating a new space of comfort and peace.

  4. Hello!!! I am so happy for you!!! Feathering the well....Best!!!
    Can't wait to see the befores and afters!!! You are a busy girl!!!!
    Prayers are needed for the California fires....this is TERRIBLE!!! I am not affected personally but my 2 sons are firefighters. Those firefighters are earning every dime!!!

  5. Hi Elizabeth - so good to see your post. I'm glad you're getting settled in and how nice to have so much loving help! Be kind to yourself, don't work too hard......breathe......and enjoy the process!

  6. Elizabeth, it's so good to see you've moved in and happy! I know moving can be very stressful and tiring, but I agree with you on decorating and getting cozy in your new home being the best! (Although, I'm still organizing and decorating 4 months in!) I can't wait to see peeks inside your home. Your gratitude list was a delight to read, and those grandbabies are so cute in the pool! I always leave your blog very glad that I stopped by.

  7. Sounds like life has been busy but good for you. I like the looks of your "nesting" and also how cute your little ones are. - Some wonderful things to be thankful for.

  8. Moving is over, and now the re-settling begins. That presents its own challenges, doesn't it?! May God give you much-needed energy and strength. And, in the meantime, I continue to be so blessed by your *gratitudes*!


  9. One day I suspect I'll be in your "shoes". I'm actually looking forward to a smaller home with less yard to care for, etc. Not sure when. I look forward to hearing more of how you settle in...


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