
Saturday, October 10, 2015

A season for everything...

I find that asking God to show me His will and purpose with a view far down the road can be both overwhelming and illusive.
What worked for me, something I began to do when my firstborn was a baby, 
was to ask Him to show me His will for that day.
I think asking God to fulfill His purpose in and though you a day at a time
brings it out of the realm of something illusive and difficult to grasp and into practical reality.
(To read the entire post please join me on Sunday, October 11th
 where I write Sunday Soul Food at Woman to Woman Ministries.)

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. It is sooo hard to walk with God by the day. We as humans what to know "the rest of the story." But when I feel myself straining to know the future, as I just was this morning, I think of the Children of Israel who had to gather manna everyday except the Sabbath. They had to trust God to provide for them - not by the year or month or even the week but by the day.......and He always did. He feed a huge multitude of people for 40 years !!!! Help my faith this morning to trust in you Lord - the God who cares for me. Thanks for the reminder this morning. I needed it !!

    1. Rebecca, I think, as I've gotten older, it's been "tempting" to worry about what the future will be like as we get older. But if I'm truly His, bought with a price, than I'm His to take care of, right?

  2. I think often how, if we could see the future, it might overwhelm our hearts. Daily bread is a beautiful thing.

    1. Amen, Dayle! God had a good reason He told us to not worry about tomorrow.

  3. Most definitely, I only focus on the very short term! Too much and I'll be overwhelmed and run the risk of worry. Like, "Can I really handle that, Lord?" Completely agree with you - in the morning I pray for Him to show me His will for today and only today :)

    1. Thanks so much, Carrie! Excited to keep connecting with you at Barbie's!

  4. As usual, you grabbed hearts and attention and focusing on the Lord. That's what counts, forever and ever. Thanks, Elizabeth. Bless you...

  5. You are such a beautiful encourager - your words are so true. I've prayed for God to take desires and drams away if they aren't his plan, but I've never prayed daily for his plan for my day to be achieved - that is a prayer that I'm going to start in the morning! Blessings to you, Elizabeth!

    1. What an encouragement your comment is to me, Maryleigh! Thanks so much!

  6. Beautiful post, Elizabeth! Such enriching and empowering food for the soul! Thank you so much for sharing this! Grateful to visit with you today! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! :-)


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