
Monday, October 5, 2015

Autumn beauty...

(edited with Kim Klassen's urban texture, hard light, 50% opacity)
After getting my exercise by walking/jogging the same circuit around our old neighborhood for over sixteen years, it's been a challenge for me to find my groove since moving to our new neighborhood.  Today I think I finally have a good hour long walk/jog through our new neighborhood figured out, which makes me happy.  

(edited with PicMonkey's tranquil preset, 70% opacity)
This scripture was quoted on a podcast I was listening to on my walk today.  As I sat down to edit these photos of some flowers I foraged on my walk,  the truth of this verse wouldn't leave my mind.

(edited with Kim Klassen's music texture, screen mode, 30% opacity)
You know what I've discovered after 39+ years of married life and sixteen moves?  There is no perfect place. When I'm craving something or someplace, (like my dream beach cottage),  I idealize it in my mind.  But, I can tell you from experience living on the coast that beach cottages often come with issues like moisture and mold problems.  It's true, there is no perfect place.

(edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, lighten, 20% opacity)
I learned to love and enjoy our former home, in spite of it's imperfections, (like its itty bitty kitchen).  I'm learning to love and enjoy our new to us home, too.  It's sad how often we don't enjoy what we have because we're too busy craving what we don't have.  Been there, done that.

Today I enjoyed what was available to me on this warm and sunny autumn day.  These beautiful autumn blooms were spilling out of someone's yard, over and through the fence, and into the street.  I rationalized that they were now on public property and broke off a couple of sprigs to enjoy and photograph.  I hope you enjoy the results.

(edited with Kim Klassen's flow texture, hard light, 30% opacity)

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Thank you for sharing this verse and your words about contentment where we are. It's so easy to dream and idealize what could be and miss the blessings right where we are. Love the little flowers. So sweet!

  2. Really lovely edits, but I think my favorite is the second pic.

  3. Stunning - beautiful shots, wonderful edits.
    Thanks for linking up at

  4. Your photography always brings me such joy!

    1. Wow! Thanks so very much! That's a blessing to me.

  5. CONTENTMENT - a hard lesson for me to focus on and to learn. Extremely joyful when I do. And contentment comes in little moments like flowers to huge moments, a home or husband.
    Your verse helps pull you back to being or finding contentment.

    1. Contentment became easier for me when I started keeping a daily gratitude journal. I began to see how blessed I am and it truly has been life changing! Thanks so much for your kind comment by the way!

  6. Oh wow these are just beautiful--I would love to know the name of these--I photographed some with my phone yesterday--was driving through a neighborhood and some were spilling off a mailbox--never have seen such lushness in the fall here in Arkansas--I think they might be the same as these--

    1. I don't know what they are either. I thought perhaps a type of cosmos but when I looked online I think maybe not. I just know that they are so beautiful!

  7. Beautiful photos - and such pretty flowers. And good news that you've found your stride for your run/walk in your new neighbourhood #LTTL

    1. Stephanie, it really made our new house feel like more like home once I figured out a good walking/jogging route!

  8. I'll bet if the "owner" of those flowers saw you break off that little bunch, it would have made them smile. Thanks for the encouraging word! Blessings!

  9. To be content in all circumstances truly is a blessing, and worthy of striving for! These edits are beautiful, Elizabeth! A little touch of summer lingers on . . .

  10. Oh, how I needed to read your post this morning! It's so easy to wish life was different when it's spinning out of control. I fantasize about coastal living....a lot. In reality, I know it's not happening. I try and appreciate all I have and not want something different (or more). I sup pose it's a never-ending work in progress! Thank you for inspiring words...and that photo is definitely an Autumn Beauty! LTTL

  11. Beautiful composed and shot, the colours and tones are lovely


  12. Simple Beauty, thanks for sharing!

  13. ah, I so get this post. I have only known how to live with what you have because I have been a vagabond my entire life, but the one thing I have wish for is roots. now that we are going to get some, I am a little bit terrified. Great post, and a terrific reminder of where my happiness comes form. And you shots, dreamy.


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