
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Friday Faves...our new home and a Spice Cake recipe

Tomorrow will be one month since we closed on our new to us house and began to move in.

In spite of the fact that there are light fixtures still to install...

boxes of hardwood flooring and light fixtures piled in the living room...

ugly vinyl flooring waiting to be ripped up so hardwood can be installed...
In spite of all of that and more,
we've had people over for dinner three times already this month!

Ok, ok, so the first time I made homemade soup for friends that were helping me unpack.
The second time I made dinner for friends that were helping to put up the new lighting.
Today, our Truelife Espanol pastor's wife wanted me to teach her how to make my chicken and rice soup
 and homemade bread.
She came over this afternoon and we made the soup and bread, 
and then she and her husband and their baby enjoyed it along with us!

Earlier in the day, anticipating them having dinner with us,  I made a spice cake for dessert
 using a recipe from an old American Family Cookbook that my mother-in-law gave me when I was a newlywed.
Of course, I never leave well enough alone as you can see.
I think the next time that I make this I am going to use 1/2 cup of canola oil,
 in place of the butter flavored shortening I used today, to make it even more moist.
I also omitted the raisins, since I wasn't sure if our company cared for them.

I frosted it with a simple cream cheese frosting that I happened to have left over
 from making pumpkin bars for a church event last week. 

Dinner and dessert was a big hit with everyone!

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
and a
SAFE and BLESSED weekend!


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. I'm soooo happy for you! I sense the Peace filling your new home.

    Mouth is watering. I'm going to try this recipe with my GF flour.


  2. Elizabeth, I'm excited to see your new home coming along!! Thanks for that update. Also, we added new hardwoods and light fixtures to our place just before moving in and what a transformation it was! That cake is my kind of fall cake with all those warm flavors and cream cheese frosting, yum! The sweet baby girl is the most precious sight. Isn't it good to have loved ones in your new home?

    1. I wish I could wiggle my nose and have the hard work part all magically done with only the fun decorating stuff left to do!

  3. What a full and rich life you're living :)
    (I imagine it has its moments of "chaos", too.....)

    1. Rebecca, moving and doing renovating always brings with it chaos. I can't wait until the big projects are done!

  4. Well, I had a really long comment typed out and I lost it--but suffice it to say, "I love your gift of hospitality."

    1. Dianne, I'm most excited about having all my kids and grandkids over for the first time this week. Most of the summer, though we live within a half hour of each other, work, travel, or the chaos of our move, kept us from all being able to be together at once. So Tuesday I'm making slow simmered shredded pork burritos for the 13 of us. Happy mama/nana here!

  5. Your spice cake looks delish. I know how you feel. We have moved and have renovated, we lived in "box city" for a while. But, it is all worth it. Once it is done, you will so enjoy~! Happy Friday

    1. I needed that encouragement. It's taking too long for my liking!

  6. Congratulations on your new home my friend. I always drool when I visit, especially today :)

  7. Your cake tester is a doll!!! What a cutie!!! Looks like the cake passed with flying colors, too!!!
    For only one month your moving along nicely...keep up the good work.
    Blessings your way,

    1. Isn't she adorable! She's our Truelife Espanol pastor's baby girl. She turned one the day after this photo.

  8. She's adorable! I love the way you're decorating your new nest!


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