
Monday, October 26, 2015

Hope is springing up...

(photo edited with Kim Klassen's flow texture, hard light, 30% opacity)

I love the lyrics of the song Beautiful Things by Gungor.
I believe there is great power in speaking truthful, hopeful words or, in this case, singing them.
It's all too easy to lose hope and give into despair and think that we'll never change
 or that another person or a situation that we are praying about will never change.
Looking back, I see so many things, situations, and people that looked so hopeless,
 but that God turned into something good, something beautiful.
It's good to remember God's faithfulness in the past, when we face hopelessness in the present.
It's really, really good, to fill our lungs with air, and sing words of hope, 
right into the midst of our messes.
God makes beautiful things, even out of our messes and even if the mess is us.

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Yes, He does. Love that song, too.

  2. I'll have to "find" that song (it's a new one to me).
    More and more I'm realizing that "hope" is ultimately only as strong and sustainable as its object. Surrounded by so much "sinking sand", my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I struggle with how to express that in more contemporary language....
    I say with Peter, " “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

    1. Amen! Our hope must be anchored in the Word, the Truth, the work of Jesus on our behalf.

  3. Once again, my beautiful friend, your words are like a balm to my mind, spirit & soul. Words of great encouragement, words that speak truth & life. Thank you for sharing this because I really really needed this right now!

    1. Thank you so much. I needed this as well so I wrote it as a reminder to my own soul.

  4. Thank you for such an encouraging post today! I needed it so bad! :)

    1. Cindy, I needed it, too. I think most of what I write comes out of me processing things in my own self and my own life.

  5. Such timely and wise words. Thank you, Elizabeth, for reminding me to remember. To reflect on God's past faithfulness to encourage me for an uncertain future. May He continue to work on the *mess* that is me.


    1. Me, too, Sharon, and I'm feeling messier than usual lately. He keeps speaking to me through His Word, so I know He's not given up on working in and through me. He hasn't given up on you either.

  6. Your words and this picture are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    With over 400 (yes!!!) earthquakes recorded this past month and threat of El Nino
    possible flooding after years of drought....hoping to sell my house in spring seems pretty hopeless. I am holding on to my heavenly Father for hope and help.
    God bless,

    1. I know hopelessness isn't from God. I pray that He makes His will and timing very clear to you. NOTHING is impossible or too hard for Him.

  7. Lovely photo and inspiring song. Did you know that Gungor wrote a song for his baby daughter who has Down Syndrome -- Light? He captures hope with his music and lyrics. Thanks for this post!

  8. Elizabeth, this post brought me to tears, as it hit home on many levels. Yesterday, I found so much joy in walking through the house singing inspirational songs. It does make a difference. Thanks for sharing your heart.


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