
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Living the prayer of thanksgiving...

My home state of Oregon was rocked this week with a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg. It's hard for the human mind to grasp such senseless violence and such tragic loss.  It almost feels wrong to continue with daily life, to enjoy daily life, when for the loved ones of those whose lives were taken life will never be the same.  I'm not sure I know how to mourn with those who mourn other than praying for those who are living through this nightmare. It somehow feels not enough.  Meanwhile, I'm holding my loved ones a bit tighter and continuing my commitment to live the prayer of thanksgiving. 

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a sweet visit with my sister-in-law
-God's tender words of love in Isaiah 62
-confirmation from God to trust Him
-a sweet evening with my guy

-laughing that our original idea was to buy a house with a tiny easy to maintain yard
 and it didn't quite turn out that way
-fresh veggies from and a good visit with friends
-a nice evening walk in our new neighborhood
-falling asleep early

-making my husband a yummy frittata for breakfast
-God's provision of a good dentist
-a spontaneous date with my husband to see a good movie

-a foggy fall morning
-so much help from our church family with our move and renovations
-reading the book of Romans-thanking God for the peace of God that I have through Jesus
-spending the afternoon with my youngest grandson
-discovering our neighborhood park
-more people at our weekly prayer night
-the joy of worship 

-a new stainless steel refrigerator and dishwasher on clearance for half price!
-Friday date day!
-a great lunch out with amazing service
-hanging out with our two oldest daughters and their families at the home
 my second born and her husband are renovating
-the two youngest granddaughters having their first sleepover at our new house
-some good news

-our electrician friend from church putting in new lighting for us
-going to the park and to our oldest grandson's football game with our granddaughters

-my first post for Woman to Woman Ministries

-the Name above all names
-His broken body and shed blood for me
-Sunday afternoon resting

gratefully yours,


  1. Elizabeth, What movie did you see? We need to get together when you have time. I would like to get my friend's vases back. Just let me know when and where. Thanks!


  2. God is good, isn't He? So many blessings in the middle of change and tough things in the world around us.

    1. Yes, He is good even when the world around us seems so crazy and dark.

  3. My uncle lives in Roseburg, and I briefly talked to him the other day. He said that he is part of a whole host of people praying for the Lord to work comfort and peace and hope into this situation.


    1. Sharon, I'm so thankful that our prayers actually are heard by God and that we are making invisible impact when we pray! I didn't know you had family in Oregon, it somehow makes me feel even more connected to you!

  4. So much going on close to home for both of us. I'm so glad you still take the time to list those blessings. A park in your new neighborhood! The grands will love that!


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