
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rainy Sunday thanksgiving...

It's raining today.  That's normal for our area of the Pacific Northwest, but the last few months have been unusually dry so the rain is as welcome as an old friend.  Our former home had huge old growth cedar and fir trees surrounding it. They are beautiful in their own way, but messy and somewhat frightening on gusty days.  Our new to us home has one colorful little deciduous tree outside our living room window.  The rain running down the windowpane with the warm colors of fall outside on our tree made me pause and give thanks this afternoon. A little Sunday afternoon snooze did as well. There are always things in life I wish were different,  but right now, this cozy, rainy Sunday afternoon is enough for me.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-the richness of Psalm 119
-thank you, Jesus! 
our friend figuring out how to do something that will save us some money on our house renovation
-the changing leaves on the tree outside our window
-meeting our daughter and two youngest granddaughters at Chipotle

-getting together with my friend that I've known for over 33 years
-a red cotton quilt
-this beautiful fall day
-youngest grandson "riding" his dog
-the blue hour sky

-reading my favorite chapters from the book of Jeremiah
-God's help with a long list of to-dos
-a friend from church stopping by for a visit
-yummy pot roast for dinner

-youngest grandson falling asleep in my arms
-the two oldest grands both getting braces
-praying together about a decision

-a nice morning together
-Jehovah-Tsidkenu:the Lord our righteousness
-our friend's help changing the fireplace location in our new house
-beautiful autumn foliage
-lamb kebabs at our favorite Middle Eastern restaurant with our friends

-friends who understand my vision for a reclaimed wood mantel and take me to Salvage Works to buy the wood
-meeting our kids for lunch
-my David Austin rose from our old house getting transplanted here
-an evening walk around our neighborhood
-my six year old granddaughter proudly learning how to tie her shoes

-rain on the window, autumn colors outside
-my favorite creamy tomato basil soup for lunch
-a Sunday afternoon snooze

gratefully yours,


  1. Another beautiful list. Thanks for sharing. I am so excited for you to have your "new to you home" be all that you invision it to be.


  2. Lovely post as always. - The rain has started here in our area of the PNW as well. - I enjoy it for the most part although the cooler temps are taking a bit to adjust to. - Such a great list of things to be grateful for. My Inspiration photo for today says almost the same thing as your 1st photo. - Loved your Grandson riding the dog, so cute.

    1. Where do you live, Ida? I didn't know you were a PNW gal, too!

  3. Beautiful list, Elizabeth - God sends us such beautiful gifts - that red blanket sounds just perfect for my rainy Tennessee day!

    1. I was very excited to find a red cotton quilt to fold up on the end of our bed!

  4. I nearly missed this! Yay for beautiful gifts and another week to be grateful!
    We had pot roast this week, too. ;) A boy and his dog. What could be more perfect than that?

  5. So many blessings! That mantle sounds intriguing - I hope you will share :) We had rain last week, thankfully. Maybe more coming on Friday. The land in south TX is soaking it in and springing back to life! Have a blessed week, Elizabeth!

  6. Catching up, as usual. My computer didn't want to let me into your site for some reason. I'm here and enjoying the blessings you enjoy. Can't wait to see how things have come together in your new home - and I'm just a teeny bit jealous of the Sunday nap!


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