Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Random Acts of Poetry day...

It's Random Acts of Poetry day!
In honor of this occasion and because today we had some long overdue rain here in the Portland/Vancouver area,
I'm reposting this poem by yours truly.

Ode to A Soup Pot

In summer it sits upon the shelf and rarely sees the light of day
Come fall and winter out it comes on gloomy days with skies of gray
Its color red it is my favorite, no plain jane pot will do for me
It makes me happy just to see it, filling heart and home with glee
A pinch of this, a dash of that, who knows what wonders it contains?
I want to eat its lovely contents, with bread to sop up last remains
A spicy chili?  Marinara?  A Sendak style soup with rice?
The smells they waft, they woo, they linger, they oh so shamelessly entice
Oh lovely soup pot, ‘tis your season, these Northwest rains they beckon me
To bring you out from hidden pantry, this year’s debut, what shall it be?
Boeuf Bourguignon?  It was a highlight, on autumn day some months gone by
A hearty stew? A roasted chicken? A flakey crusted chicken pie?
Whatever it is, it’s sure to gladden, sure to cheer and to sustain
Oh lovely soup pot how I’ve missed you, it ALMOST makes me glad for rain!

still following,


Darling Downs Diaries

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  1. Elizabeth, What a lovely've made me hungry for chicken soup :-)

    1. We had some last night with some homemade bread!

  2. Yes, ma'am. Love soups of all kinds in the fall and winter.

  3. Love your poem - it made me smile. I would love to have a pretty soup pot but mine, for the need to have lighter weight for my back, must be plain and simple. Steel and lighter weight than what my heart always longs for. The soup still tastes the same, I believe. Yours looks SO good!

  4. What a delightfully fun post!! I love seeing your poetry and your sense of humor!

  5. Nothing better then a good pot of soup on a rainy fall day.


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