
Friday, October 16, 2015

The beauty of a Spirit filled personality...

The other day I heard Ravi Zacharias say, "There's nothing more beautiful than a Spirit filled personality." Immediately I thought of Ephesians 3:16 in the Amplified Bible.  I think sometimes we can use our unique personality traits as an excuse.  "I'm just too timid to ever talk to someone about Jesus, that's just not my personality."  "I'm just quick tempered, I've always been that way, it's just my personality."  I don't think when we come to Christ that God wants or expects us to become someone other than the unique, one of a kind that He created.  But, when we allow His Holy Spirit to indwell our innermost being and personality then we become the best us we can be. (To read this full post, I hope you'll join me at Woman to Woman Ministries this Sunday, October 18th where I write a weekly post on Sundays called Sunday Soul Food.)

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. I'll certainly try to get over to W2W to catch the end of this great devotional. I had never read that verse in the Amplified, and love how they throw in the word "reinforced."

    1. Thanks, Michele! I love this verse in the Amplified Bible.

  2. Ohh...Elizabeth,
    Please, please be careful with the girls on old logs in woody areas. Ticks with Lyme disease are rampant and have invaded the west coast. It is known that they love old wood piles and logs....and it is considered almost a for sure way
    to come into contact with them. I am in the medical field and this is a common contact of what I've seen. Body checks after!!!
    I am sorry to write this on your comments...but better safe then sorry. Please forgive me, if you don't like it on there.
    God Bless,

  3. Well, as usual, Elizabeth, you shared wonderfully and straightforwardly. Thank you so much! Always look forward to hearing/seeing what you share. And, as I've said, thank you!

  4. I was immediately reminded of this in 1 Peter 3:3-4, NASB:

    "Your adornment must not be merely external...but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."

    Sometimes the most beautiful people are the elderly, whose spirits shine forth past the wrinkles. I want The Light to shine through me.


  5. Awesome post, Elizabeth! Very encouraging! Your words were a blessing to me!Thanks so much for sharing! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! :-)


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