
Monday, October 19, 2015

The challenge of living fully in the moment...

It's a challenge for me to live fully in the moment.  To-do lists run through my mind.  I try to juggle doing several things at once.  It's when I'm with others that I'm most mindful of this tendency in myself. I fail all too often to let the tasks go and to be fully present. When I do choose to be all there, to sit still and read books with my granddaughters or take them to the park, to sit and hold my grandson while he drinks his bottle, (the only time he's willing to sit still), I've never regretted it. 
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God's Word has been my song on life's journey-Psalm 19:54
-slowly finding "a place for everything and everything in it's place" in this new to us house
-oldest granddaughter, still recuperating from her tonsil/adenoid surgery, coming over
 and enjoying a bath in our jet tub
-youngest grandson snuggling with Papa 'til he fell asleep
-God's provision of our daily bread

-early morning devotions
-an unexpected refund in the mail
-a wonderful visit from a friend who came over to see our new house
-a phone call re. some progress on our house projects
-the grandkids showing us the whip and nae, nae
-the blessing of a house with more dining room, living room space for our family get togethers
-youngest granddaughter reciting to us about Pete and his white shoes
-oldest granddaughter feeling well enough to eat some of the softer foods
-oldest grandson asking his cousin about school
-six year old granddaughter's note, "I love you so much"
-our busy, active, youngest grandson

-Romans 15:13-hope overflowing!
-progress on organizing the garage
-a nice evening walk with my husband

-working some more in the garage when I really wanted to do anything but that
and being glad, in the end, that I did

-homemade biscuits drizzled with honey
-a new to us car
-taking the two youngest grands for a ride over to their cousins' house

-help from friends with another house project
-six year old granddaughter's note re. the house project mess-"beware mes"
-fun with the two youngest granddaughters at the park

-snuggles and reading books
-youngest grandson grinning ear to ear and saying, "NANA!" when he saw me at church
-God working in and healing lives

gratefully yours,


  1. Beautiful things to be grateful for! God is so good, isn't He? Love hearing about your blessings, your family and your new home.

  2. Thank you for sharing your gratefulness to God for the ways He is blessing you and your family! I too am a blessed and thankful grandma...This is my best season yet! : )

    1. I LOVE the grandparenting season of life, too!

  3. Thank you for sharing your gratefulness to God for the ways He is blessing you and your family! I too am a blessed and thankful grandma...This is my best season yet! : )


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