
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Firmly on His throne...

It seems as though the world has gone mad.  Yet, when we look at Scripture we see that when man, of his own freewill, chose his own way over God's way in the garden, mankind began to devolve, not evolve.  Evil and sin and wickedness entered this world right along with man's decision to rule His own life instead of submit to God's leadership.  (Please join me for the rest of this post tomorrow, Sunday November 15th,  at Woman to Woman Ministries where I'm sharing some Sunday Soul Food.)

still following,
Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. This post reminds me of something I heard Chuck Swindoll say shortly after 9/11 when asked "Where is God?" He said ... God is where He always has been & always will be. God is seated on His throne.
    I have never forgotten how deeply those words fell into my heart. We so need to always remember that. May you have a blessed Sunday!

    1. What a great quote from one of my favorite teachers!

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    If you have time could you change the Sunday Stillness banner to Word of God Speak? The picture is on my sidebar.
    Thanks for wise words. Great psalm.
    We - the world - got itself in this mess. We need to continue to pray for God to help us once again.

  3. Thank you for sharing this. The situation in Paris this time sure grabbed piles and piles of hearts. A blessing to see what you shared, Elizabeth. You are always a treat!

  4. Praying for the nations. Thank you for sharing.

  5. My heart has been so grieved this week. God is on the throne and He will be victorious!


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