
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Giving thanks in all circumstances...

What a week it's been in our world.  From horrid acts of violence in many places in our world, (not only in France), to earthquakes. Our world is sin-ravaged and hurting. While praying for our world and doing what we can do to help,  it's not selfish, self absorbed or insensitive to continue to give thanks.  We can mourn with those who mourn, weep with those who weep, and still maintain an attitude of thanksgiving in all circumstances.  I'm thankful that God is still on His throne.  I'm thankful for all of those who help the hurting, the police, the medical professionals, etc.  I'm thankful for all of the prayers that are being prayed all around the world, and I'm thankful that God hears and answers those prayers.  
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-getting so much out of reading 1&2nd Peter again
-lots of help on our new floor installation-the end is in sight
-my friend and I laughing so hard at a funny group text from my daughters

-lunch with my friend that I haven't seen or talked to in too long
-God's amazing provision-(my granddaughter wanted a toy for Christmas that was over the budget we set. 
 I often pray about these sorts of things, and I found one at Marshall's valued at $199 and their price was $49.99! 
 YaY God and YaY Marshall's!)
-my son-in-law found someone to install the gas line for our new range
-an unexpected blessing 

-Veteran's Day-I'm thankful for those who serve our country
-the living room floor is done!
-breakfast for dinner at our house and friends sharing it with us

-HALLELUJAH!  The wood floors are all in!

-Jesus- the radiance of the glory of God
-a really good prayer time at church

-the new frig is installed
-the hubs and our friend putting in the molding
-taco soup at our friend's house after a long day of work on the house

-bringing hot Vietnamese pho soup to our oldest daughter's house for them and our two croupy granddaughters
-God's help with a photo editing glitch when I needed to get my weekly post done
-tackling the last of the unpacked boxes!  Hurray!

-our long time friends driving over from the coast to go to church with us,
and we enjoyed lunch together afterwards too
-a free Thanksgiving turkey!
-spending the afternoon with my oldest granddaughter and doing a Christmas craft together

gratefully yours,


  1. In the middle of all the turmoil and violence - He remains! Giving thanks lifts my heart and keeps my eyes focused on Him. Loving your new home. I'm so glad it's coming together and that your boxes are unpacked.

  2. We have so many things to be thankful for. It's important to not forget that even in the midst of tragedy. The enemy would like nothing better than for us to take our eyes off of Jesus. We are in a spiritual battle!

    Romans 8:38-39- For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  3. We are blessed that in the midst of turmoil & troubling times we know that we can turn to the one thing that is constant & true- God. Our hearts need to remember that we can continue to give thanks despite any circumstance. Ephesians 5:20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I look forward to your giving thanks posts weekly. It is a sweet & refreshing thing to see all your pictures especially your grands. They are growing up so quickly!

    With a thankful heart for you! :-)

  4. I adore this post. Thank you.

    Hugs from Georgia.


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