
Saturday, November 7, 2015

God's Word in our homes...

For years we lived in parsonages or rental homes and for many of those years I asked God for a home of our own. Seventeen years ago, God miraculously answered my prayer.  Out of the blue our landlord, a builder, told us that he felt that he was supposed to build us a house.  While our miracle home was being built, we put scripture verses inside the walls, and for all of the years that we lived there we saw God's promises and purposes come to pass in our lives in the good times and in the times of trial.

This summer we sold that home.  On the last day in our house, my husband and I both cried as we remembered God's blessings and all of the memories we had made there.  We stopped and thanked God for His faithfulness to us through the years.  We then moved into a new to us house closer to our church.  In the process of doing some updating to the house, we ripped up the old flooring to install new hardwood floors.  It was the perfect opportunity to write some of God's promises in our new home, right there on the subfloor.  (To read the rest of this post, and for a free download to use in your home, join me on Sunday, November 8th at Woman to Woman Ministries where I write a weekly Sunday Soul Food post.)

                                                                      still following,

Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. What a wonderful way to show faithfulness! When we replace our carpeting, I think I'll do the very same! Blessings!

    1. That's awesome. I love that you would do this, too.

  2. A beautiful way to make a house a home and fill it with inspiration and encouragement. I'm sure that the new owners of the home you sold will be miraculously touched by the WORD you left behind.

  3. Bless you, Dear. I'm always interested in what is going on in your life. You've been a real treat to many, many people... church members, and family, and friends. And the Lord is using you in Portland and Vancouver re: strong sinfulness that is normal and you are strong prayer leaders and strong sharers. Anyhow, would love to see you again!

  4. I love this photo, this promise from Scripture, and your story of God's faithfulness!

    1. Kym, God has been so faithful to us. I'm so ashamed that I sometimes forget this and doubt when facing current challenges. Remembering His faithfulness all along the way is key.

  5. Elizabeth, I've missed visiting here with you! Without fail, every time I stop by your blog, I see that God has a gift waiting here for me. I've been struggling these days with the pain of seeing my mother suffer with dementia. With feelings of resentfulness, sadness, and flat-out fatigue, I've wondered where God is, and then I come here and I am reminded of his goodness and his faithfulness. Thank you!

    1. Oh, Donna. Dealing with aging parents can be so draining. I pray that God will encourage and strengthen and less you and your mama.

  6. Such a great reminder and love this photo!

  7. God's word will not return void. How exciting to think what He might have planned for the new residents of your old home! And how wonderful you had this opportunity to Christen your new home in a similar way! Sabbath blessings!

    1. I do pray that God ministers to the new owner of our former home. I'm glad I thought to write the scripture passages on the subfloor in our new to us home. We'll be having some friends from church over to pray through our home with us as well.

  8. What a wonderful post, Elizabeth! This is my favorite message from you thus far, Love! GOD bless you, beautiful friend! :-)

    1. Tai, that means so much to me. Thank you so much!

  9. What a wonderful tradition you have. - It's amazing what people find when they tear out walls and such in old homes. Who knows what blessing you will bestow on someone someday when they find your hidden messages.

    1. Yes! That would be great for some person in the future to find the Word we left under our floors.


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