
Sunday, November 1, 2015

He is good and He never changes...

Thanksgiving day is only 25 days away!
I love that we take a day as a nation to give thanks,
but in reality, thanksgiving should be a lifestyle, especially for us Jesus followers.
Let's face it, circumstances don't always make it easy to give thanks.
Hard, heart wrenching things happen.
I had an afternoon like that this week.
This morning in church we sang these words,
"You are good and You never change God".
So, if you're like me and you momentarily lose your perspective and forget all of God's blessings 
and giving thanks is the last thing on your mind, you can always give Him thanks for this.
He's there.  He's good.  He never changes.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-the fireplace has been successfully moved and is working!
-my friend and I doing demo and removing the floor molding
-oldest daughter and her girls and our two oldest grands coming over for spaghetti dinner 
in spite of the renovation mess

-driving to The Dalles with our youngest daughter and her husband to pick up our canned peaches order
-the one rain free day of the week for our drive

-our beautiful Pacific Northwest

-God's Words to me from 2 Timothy
-listening to a podcast on my walk and the same verses being quoted
-healthy homemade soup
-a successful Keep Collective party 

-a wonderful get together with a friend I mentor
-a friend to listen and pray with me after some sad news
-Psalm 29:11 given to me by another friend

-going to the beach for the day with my husband on his day off

-walking by the sea
-this day to be together

-help on our flooring project
-a plan to start laying the new hardwood on Thursday
-working on the new mantel

-He is good and He never changes
-fun, food, fellowship at our Autumn Comfort Food Potluck
-oldest granddaughter spending the afternoon with me
-making chocolate haystacks for youth group with her

gratefully yours,


  1. Wonderful clippings. Enjoyed seeing them...

  2. Lovely photos and words, Elizabeth. I thank the Lord daily for so many things! This week I am especially thankful for His protection in the life of one of my children.

  3. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is definitely a lifestyle that pleases God. I've often thought about doing a series on gratitude in, say, June, just to get the point across, lol. But here we are in November again! Beautiful images, Elizabeth. Memories made! Have a blessed week.

    1. I've been keeping a gratitude journal for six years now. It's life changing!

  4. I'm glad to be continuing this journey with you, too, Elizabeth!

  5. Love the way God gives you little respite times in the middle of the busy-ness of life! Your day at the beach was a blessing, I know.


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