
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Rosehip November...

(edited with Kim Klassen's savor texture, 50%opacity)

On my walks around the neighborhood I see rosehips on rosebushes growing in yards.
I always want to gather some to use in my autumn decorating, 
but I don't think my neighbors would appreciate me sneaking in their yard to steal their roseships.

(edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, hard light, 60% opacity)

New Seasons Market had some for sale with their flowers.
I know most people use them in an arrangement with other flowers,
but I'm fine with them all by themselves in an old ironstone pitcher.

(edited with Kim Klassen's gift texture, 70% opacity)

We are nearing the end of the renovations on our new to us house.
We'll be doing a few more things come spring, but for now,
 the majority of the big, and messy, jobs are done.
I'm excited to show you what we've done!

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Lovely Elisabeth, Greeting from Mons in Belgium

    Blog my city http://louisette.eklablog;com

  2. Wow, Elizabeth, I can't wait to see your home renovations! We are long overdue for some sprucing up here - and so I'll look to you for inspiration. Love both of your features here - classic ironstone and rose hips. Really, these are timeless and your photos do justice to both!

  3. So lovely!
    Thanks for linking up at

  4. I love the shape of the sugar jar and creamer.

    1. They were Goodwill finds at different Goodwills but from the same set!

  5. I've enjoyed watching your renovations. Thank you for bringing us along on the journey. I always enjoy my visits to your place Elizabeth!

  6. Beautiful Elizabeth - and I've a feeling rosehip november could stick :) #LTTL

  7. Your stills are always so pretty, Elizabeth. I love the texturing you've done on these. Yea to being finished for now, can't wait to see more of what you've done!

  8. Lovely still life of the rosehips. You might try knocking on their doors and asking them if they'd mind sharing them. I have roses and quite often I see people admiring them and then I ask them if they'd like me to pick them some. They are always delighted and I've even had a few actually ask if it was okay. I don't mind sharing but I hate it when people just do it without asking.

  9. It's so fun to see what you have done so far on IG, I cannot wait for your post here. You totally inspire me with your creativeness.


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