
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Seasons change...

(Kim Klassen's villa texture,  hardlight, 70% opacity
quote from the song Seasons Change by Will Reagan)

The seasons seem to come and go with breakneck speed the older I get.
I've been waking in the night with a panicky feeling of not being fully prepared and ready for the next season.
That ought not to be.

(Kim Klassen's everyday texture, multiply mode 70% opacity)

The truth is that the same God who created me in my mother's womb loves me always and forever.
He promises to be with me and to carry me even when my hair is white with age. (Isaiah 46:4)
(I love that there are even promises regarding aging in God's Word!)

(Kim Klassen's elevate texture, hardlight, 10% opacity)

Things in life are constantly changing. 
A job you've had for decades may suddenly come to an end.
A friend that you thought would be there forever may have walked out of your life.
Even good changes, a move, a promotion, children graduating and leaving home or getting married,
have stress and challenges mixed in with the joy.

  (picmonkey's rapture preset, 50%)

There is only one thing that is unchangeable, God and His love for us.
The reassurance that truth gives me gets me through life's changes,
the hard ones and the good ones.

(Kim Klassen's gift texture, hardlight, 30% opacity)

What changes are you going through in this season of your life?

(Kim Klassen's monday texture, screen mode, 30% opacity)

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. So many changes accompany life, some good, some not so good. But God is forever the same, and that is how we cope.

  2. As I age, I think these concerns become more real to me but maybe it's all because God gives us more opportunities to depend on Him. Your images are beautiful; each and every one..The first one is just stunning....I don't know what I did before I had access to Kim's textures and presets....

    1. You are right, more opportunities to depend on Him. I need to think of it like that, as opportunities.

  3. Five months ago, God told me to step out in faith in leaving a job that was beginning to take a toll on me mentally. I am still trusting in Him during this change in my life. Today we were on our way to a doctor's appointment not knowing what the doctor would say about my health. As we were driving listening to a Christian radio station, songs that soothe & comfort me kept coming on. I knew it was not an accident that they played. I knew that God, the one who is the same today as He was yesterday & will the be the same tomorrow is in total control. It became crystal clear to me in that moment that I am being stretched in my walk with Him. He is showing me lovingly & gently that I need to give up trying to control so much in my life. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    1. I pray that all is well with you, Krista. You are a blessing to me. I quit a secure job five years ago to pursue my passion for writing, ministry, home and family. Sometimes fear sets in and I question my decision. I felt God confirm it at the time, but oh how it's easy to lean on the efforts of the flesh to make myself feel more secure!

  4. I love this, especially since I just started my #girlmeetschange book study.

    1. I didn't connect the two things, but I hope this confirms that God is speaking to us both! Love you, friend.

  5. He .. our precious Lord .. is unchanging. no matter what. :)

  6. Beautiful pictures of leaves. I am still fighting off mosquitoes here.

    Thank you for your condolences on my cat.

  7. Beautiful pictures of leaves. I am still fighting off mosquitoes here.

    Thank you for your condolences on my cat.

  8. Oh what lovely, lovely photos. I know how fast the seasons seem to come and go as you get older. I believe your words were very true.

  9. Beautiful indeed.
    Thank you for sharing at

  10. So beautiful, Elizabeth. And lots Truth here.


  11. Another timely post, Elizabeth. I'm trying not to let all the recent life changes overwhelm me. I started really being diligent about my morning devotions and that is helping. His Word, His Truth, His Steadfastness is what enables me to get through the weirdness of being an empty nester after 32 years of daily 'mothering', living in a new city, and my husbands new job.

  12. You images are absolutely beautiful Elizabeth! Love that you used textures...I'm needing to do more of that. Timely post about seasons...and I'm so thankful for a God that doesn't change!

  13. You images are absolutely beautiful Elizabeth! Love that you used textures...I'm needing to do more of that. Timely post about seasons...and I'm so thankful for a God that doesn't change!

  14. Love those shots taken from above. Spectacular! Thanks for sharing at Song-ography!

  15. Oh, you know my changes, and this little piece of yours brought reassurance to my heart. Thank you for generously sharing your heart with ours! Your words often touch my very core more than you will ever know.

  16. Changes...

    Without a doubt, the hardest change in my life the last few years has been the transition from daughter to caregiver. It's so very hard to watch parents become children, and feel their dependence on you. But, as you say, the Lord who has watched over me from the moment I was conceived, will surely be with me all the days of my life. And these changes are on His calendar...


  17. Love your edit, Elizabeth! You have such a gift for stills. God's unchangableness is one of the things I love most about Him. Such a sure and faithful foundation. Blessings.

  18. Your pictures and words are both beautiful.
    Changes are coming my way and I am anxious, happy, nervous and scared about the outcome. All I can do is give it to the Lord. I have prayed about it all for a long time and feel He has led me this way. So now, all I can do is Trust!!!!
    Thank you for is nice to know others question also.

  19. In change - He remains!


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