
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Six years later I'm still counting...

Tomorrow is the sixth anniversary of the day I started my very first gratitude journal.
It has been life changing for me.
It hasn't changed my outward circumstances,
but it has changed the way I see my circumstances.
I see God's hand in my everyday, His goodness even on the no good, very bad, horrible ones.
Thanksgiving is not just a day in November, it's a habit worth developing.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-a girl day with my friend
-some more progress on the house renovation
-tacos at my daughter's house
-texts asking for prayer

-catching up on my Bible reading
-sun shining by the time I went on my walk
-my friend from Nebraska calling me and praying with me

-being able to borrow a truck to pick up the floor molding
-the molding costing less than I thought it would
-God's love even when I'm not lovable

-the flooring installation getting started
-homemade chili and cornbread shared with friends
-praising God aloud 'til the heaviness lifts

-the floor molding going up in the dining room so I can picture what the finished project is going to look like
-going to the Peanuts movie with the two youngest granddaughters, their mama and daddy
 and our youngest daughter, too
-some warm, new slippers from my husband

-writing scriptures on the subfloor
-encouragement and conviction from 1 Peter
-an old brown transferware plate
-a phone call from my oldest brother
-cozy candlelight on a rainy Saturday evening
-joy and freedom in worship
-God's Word that convicts, challenges, encourages and heals
-dinner at our daughter's with my son-in-law's family that is here visiting from South Carolina

gratefully yours,


  1. You amaze me. Such an inspiration.

    1. Thanks, Barbie. Anyone can do this, there's nothing about me you should be amazed about! :)

  2. Six years! Amazing. Isn't God amazing?

    I hope there is sunshine there for your friends from SC!

    1. it was cold and rainy much of their visit, but they still enjoyed the visit.

  3. You are such an inspiration! Thank you for always "looking to the Sunnyside of life!"
    Your new home is looking amazing. I love the new floors!
    Miss you and Pastor!!

  4. What an inspiration you are, Elizabeth! And such a testimony to the power of gratitude. Love everything about this post, but most especially the verses you write on the subfloor. How wonderful that they will always remain, *undergirding* the rooms of your home with His Word!


  5. Love these words you shared...Thanksgiving is not just a day in November, it's a habit worth developing. Words that I want to live by every single day!

  6. This post is just beautiful! So grateful you shared your gratitude as you spoke deeply into my heart something which I needed this morning. Blessings to you!

    1. It blesses me that my post helped you in some way!

  7. I adore that I happen to be one of your blessings. You are certainly a great gift to me. I'm still praying for you.


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