
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving week thanks...

I didn't mean to disappear from my blog this week.  Truthfully, I've not been back to my former regular blogging schedule since August and the sale of our home, our trip to Europe, and the purchase of our new home and the renovations.  Now, zoom, we just celebrated Thanksgiving and the first Sunday of Advent is today!  Time really does fly by!

The one blog post that's I've still posted regularly, even when the others fell by the wayside, has been this weekly gratitude post.  Why?  Because noticing the ever faithful hand of God in my life and giving Him thanks really has helped me to grow in trusting Him, and I hope by reading my weekly posts you might be encouraged to try the same.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-Hebrews 10:36
-the pre-Thanksgiving bustle in the stores
-dinner and a movie with my husband

-the construction trash from our renovations hauled away
-a cleaner garage
-an amazing sale on two Christmas gifts

-my bigger kitchen and new stove makes holiday baking so much easier
-baking with my granddaughter
-groups texts with my daughters

-thanksgiving texts from family and friends
-this super frosty, cold morning
-our whole family together, plus our nephew and his family, and our youngest daughter's in-laws 
-walking to the park with the kids while the turkey cooked

-writing down our thanks and guessing who wrote what
-a dining room big enough to seat everyone
-help with the dishes
-games and laughter

-going to the holiday parade with family and friends
-an afternoon nap
-decking the halls for Christmas

-a beautiful morning wedding of a young man from our church
-riding the holiday train for youngest granddaughter's 4th birthday

-her "startastic" 4th birthday gathering outdoors in the cold with fire pits, twinkle lights, hotdogs and s'mores, hot chocolate and hot cider
-finding a lost item in a box I hadn't unpacked yet

-JESUS, the Name Above All Names
-the first Sunday of Advent
-a growing youth group
-devotions by the fire

gratefully yours,


  1. Beautiful photo's. Beautiful memories!! Grace. Grace & more Grace upon you Elizabeth.

    1. I know His grace is on us, around us, in us. Thank you, friend.

  2. OK, I want to be a passenger on the holiday train!! That looked simply magical! As always, Elizabeth, blessed by your gratitudes. And if there's not enough time for anything else, being thankful should ALWAYS take first place!!


    1. Sharon, it was such a fun time on the holiday train and a great way to keep the historic steam engines operating.

  3. Love these pics! Thank you for welcoming us into your beautiful home and family! xo

    1. I finally feel mostly at home in our new to us house. It's been a big adjustment after sixteen years in our former home and in the midst of the bustle of city life.

  4. Loved catching up a bit. I'm thrilled that you are enjoying your new home after all these months of turmoil with the move and renovations. My favorite photo is your sweet granddaughter with Santa!

  5. What a beautiful Thanksgiving listing of gifts. I love that your whole family can fit in your new dining area!

  6. What a beautiful Thanksgiving listing of gifts. I love that your whole family can fit in your new dining area!


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