
Sunday, November 22, 2015

The practice of thanksgiving...

My youngest grandson, at eighteen months old, has a few words in his repertoire now.  My daughter and son-in-law are working hard to make sure that please and thank you are among them.  So, each time he wants something or receives something, they make him say it.  He will only learn this habit if he practices it.

It's the same way with us.  Lets face it, it's all too easy to go through life without even noticing the blessings of the Lord in our life much less to thank Him for them.  It takes practice. You're not going to become a person with an attitude of gratitude by taking time to give thanks one Thursday out of every year.  However,  if you take time each day to notice at least three things to give thanks for, if you write them down, if you actually take time to thank God for them,  your eyes will begin to see blessings all around you and you will be well on your way to learning the discipline of thanksgiving.  

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-shiplap on the wall for a cozy corner in the dining room
-a big pot of Middle Eastern rice for the work crew at our house
-a nice hot bath at the end of a busy day

-my new gas range
-this blustery rainy day
-Panda Express for dinner and grocery shopping afterwards with my husband

-our new stove installed, thanks to lots of help 
-cleaning up the construction mess with help from my husband and granddaughter
-cooking a good dinner with the new stove

-my monthly meeting with my mentoring friend 
-the fireplace mantel installed
-our new to us house is starting to feel like home

-Friday-our day off 
-Thai food for lunch with our daughter, son-in-law and youngest granddaughter
-stopping in at the Starbucks where our youngest daughter works
-an evening together with our church elders

-the first frost
-the morning light through my kitchen windows
-writing time
-a bill that was way less than expected

-a great time of worship
-God is always at work
-pink sunset

gratefully yours,


  1. Another great list of reasons for giving thanks! I love seeing your new home and I always love to hear how God is blessing you, dear friend.

  2. The Lord is really speaking to my heart lately on this subject of thankfulness and gratitude. I'm not by nature a person who looks for blessings - I tend to be negative. But, your example continues to inspire me to look for the small things - because sometimes the blessings are like a steady rain of goodness - and we should remember the drops...

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May it be filled with faith, family, friends, fellowship...OK, and lots and lots of food!


  3. Always encouraged by these posts, Elizabeth! Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. I have been recording my thanks list for a few years also. Lately, I found myself slacking off. Without the practice the habit became a chore. I picked up Ann's book again and have been reading it throughout November. Such insight into the joy of giving thanks. It has helped me to continue strong again. Thanks for sharing your list. You have much to be thankful for, as do we all! Blessings. Love, Rachael


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