
Monday, November 30, 2015

What is a Merry Christmas?

 (Kim Klaassen's appreciate texture, hard light, 35% opacity)

We wish you a Merry Christmas is both a song and a greeting during this season. When I looked up the definition of merry, it seems that it has more to do with an inner state of being than something inherent in a certain day, situation or circumstance.  Synonyms include words like joyful, delightful, carefree, cheerful, lighthearted.  We might be able to pack a whole lot of fun into one day a year, or into the month of December, but even if everything was fun, fun, fun and you faced no hardship for a day, a week, or a month, would that be enough to make you merry?  Would it make you full of joy, cheer and delight?  I'm not so sure it would.  I think it takes more than pleasant outward circumstances to make you merry, I think it takes peace within.  For that, you need the Prince of Peace, the Christ of Christmas.  When it is well with your own soul, then not only will you be free to be merry and full of joy, but you will be a spreader of merriment.  Jesus said that from our inner good treasure we fling forth good things. (Matthew 12:35 Amplified Bible) So instead of waiting for something merry to happen or come to us, we can be a carrier of merriment.  I don't want to just wish you a Merry Christmas, I want to share some merry with you, some joy, some delight, some cheer, some lightheartedness, from my heart to yours.

(Kim Klaassen's dream it texture, overlay, 30% opacity)

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Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Very nice shots. Those are sweet little ornaments.
    Thanks for joining in at

  2. What pretty decorations and thoughts. Merry Christmas.

  3. Such a beautiful vintage Christmas display.

  4. Love those little ornaments - very quaint. And truly, the things that bring me the most joy during the holidays are the simple things that speak of the past. It's a good time to be nostalgic.

    You might be interested to know that the word merry also used to mean *strong or mighty* - (Our pastor explained it several years ago). So, for instance, the carol "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" was originally meant to encourage us to rest, strong and mighty, for a Savior has been born - we need not be dismayed anymore. Interesting, huh?!

    For me, I think God's working on both definitions in my life!! I am seeking to be a more joy-full person, and I can also use some of His peace-full strength!!


    1. I had no idea that the definition of merry also included strength! That's amazing and wonderful!

  5. Your decorations are wonderful! I'm rethinking things at home this holiday season. The decorations are still in the attic but by the time they come down I should have a bundle of ideas from the inspiration I get every time I stop by to see what you have shared. Thank you for sharing the meaning of the word 'merry'. It's a good reminder to be strong and mighty during this season.

    1. I was just thinking how fun it would be to professionally decorate homes for Christmas!

  6. Lovely sentiments Elizabeth, wishing you all the very best for Christmas too x #LTTL

  7. Awesome words! For the Christian, Christmas is never limited to just one day, or one season. It's always and forever a part of our hearts and minds. And I agree that being "merry" is rooted much deeper in the peace which passes all understanding.

    1. Lisa, yes it is! I'm so glad for that peace. The crazier this world gets the more I need it!

  8. Love the retro vibe of your photographs. And your thoughts? Spot on! Thanks for sharing at Song-ography.

  9. This was THE perfect word I needed today. If you wrote this for nothing else, you wrote it becasue it needed to be spoken into my heart right at this very moment when I am struggling in my circumstances to be merry. Thank you Elizabeth!!


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