
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Busy week, blessed life...

It's been a rich and full week, lots of Christmas hustle and bustle, with some time spent with the grandkids on top of that so that one daughter could go on an anniversary getaway and so another could work on decor/set up for her church's Christmas celebration.  Today was full of activities for our church, as well as for our daughter and son-in-law's church, which we attended as well as our own.  
I'm hoping to slow down and savor the rest of this Christmas week.  I'm also hoping that the hope, peace, joy and love we remember as we light the Advent candles, will fill your hearts and homes this week.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-Psalm 142
-dinner at our friends' house
-watching Holiday Inn while writing out Christmas cards

-finally feeling well enough after last week's flu to resume my walking
-finding my husband's Christmas gift
-singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with my youngest grandson
-homemade spaghetti and homemade french bread eaten with the grandkids and a young man from church

-youngest grandson being so good for me while his parents are out of town for their anniversary
-the way his face lights up when his older sister and brother get home from school
-our youngest daughter coming over for stew and cornbread and to watch The Preacher's Wife with me

-our middle daughter's fifteenth wedding anniversary
-a sweet young gal from church coming over to help me with our grandson while I have a bible study at my house
-making homemade chocolates with her to share with the ladies
-Panda Express before prayer meeting and after a busy day

-Papa taking the two oldest grands to the new Star Wars
-the annual event of having the grandkids over to dip pretzels in white and milk chocolate

-"the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever
-a wonderful walk before the rain started again
-golden leaves refusing to fall off some of the trees
-people who agree to pray for us to find our missing passports

-new faces at our church's Christmas lunch
-spending the afternoon with our two youngest granddaughters
-Hope City's amazing Christmas celebration
-going out afterwards with our youngest daughter and her husband and in-laws

gratefully yours,


  1. Oh, no! Are your passports missing from the move? I will pray, too. Have a blessed Christmas.

  2. Yes, the Kingdom of Christ will never end!! And we are part of it! Glorious!!

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and as always, GOD BLESS!

  3. Such sweet blessings in the middle of this busy season. You are one of the blessings on my list, you know! Loved seeing the grandkids dipping pretzels. I could almost taste them.

  4. The singing with your grandson was adorable! Merry Christmas!


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