
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Counting my blessings-Christmas week 2015

My heart is full of happy Christmas memories.
My tummy is full of delicious Christmas meals and goodies.
 I'm overflowing with gratitude to God Who loves us so much,
that He sent His Son.
Thanks be to God.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a pre Christmas brunch with all of our children and grandchildren 
since the oldest and youngest will be with their in-laws for Christmas
-my husband reading the annual blessing he writes for our children each Christmas

-the winter solstice

-a much needed lazy day
-mailing the last of the cards and buying the last gift

-the smell of juniper greens
-driving to my husband's hometown to look at the Christmas lights
-baking some more goodies to give to family and friends

-catching up on my Advent reading, learning something new about the shepherds from what I read
-a chance to see my sister and brother-in-law 
-my second born's delicious chicken enchiladas for dinner
-decorating sugar cookies with our two oldest grandkids
-the hubs and I opening our cards and gifts to each other as Christmas arrived

-a relaxing Christmas day at our secondborn's house
-text messages from all my siblings
-texts and videos from our youngest who's with her husband and in-laws at Disneyland
-facetiming with our oldest daughter and two youngest granddaughters
-playing Just Dance with our two oldest grandkids
-our friend from Nigeria joining us for Christmas dinner
-playing Catch Phrase after dinner
-a great Christmas

-going after Christmas bargain shopping with my daughter and granddaughter
-a quiet evening at home

-God speaking to all of us at church about SELAH-pausing and resting in God's presence
-snow on our drive to the beach
-a free room upgrade at the hotel

still following,


  1. Such a busy week filled with sweet memories! Loved seeing bits of your days and photos of your dear ones. Have a great time away at the beach. Hope to see you soon after the New Year.


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