
Saturday, December 12, 2015

God with us...

This Christmas season, it's easy to get focused on the beautiful story of Jesus as a baby born in Bethlehem.  I encourage you to take your thoughts a step further, and think about how He has been with you personally throughout your life, and how He is with you right now, in good times and bad, in sorrow and in joy, in failure and in victory.  He is right here and He will never fail us, leave us without support, or relax His hold on us. (Hebrews 13:5 Amplified Bible 1987 version) That's a promise! (To read this entire post join me at Woman to Woman Ministries on Sunday, Dec. 13th, where I'm pleased to share some Sunday Soul Food with you.)

still following,
Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. You always have encouraging words, Elizabeth. You express Scriptural truths which are wonderful reminders to focus on during the day!
    Mary Alice

  2. "God with us" is all I can count on now and forever! He is all that I can truly rely upon. Since my brain and body issue is "leaving" the world, I sure am looking forward to seeing and being in Heaven! Bless you, Dear!!

  3. The Truth of *God with us* is amazing. And, not only with us, but within us, too! Yes, it's good to reflect upon His unchanging faithfulness, and on all the ways that He has walked every step of our life's journey with us.


    1. The fact that He is not only with us but within us is so amazing to me! What powerful truth.

  4. "God With Us" is such a breath-taking awe-inspiring truth! It amazes me and humbles me every time I read a Scripture where it's mentioned, and I'm amazed at how often God speaks about his promise to dwell with his people. Wow.

    1. Kym, the fact that God wants to dwell with us, WoW!


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