
Monday, December 28, 2015

In the quiet between Christmas and New Years..

(edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, hard light, 15% opacity)

Spending a few days by the sea in the quiet between celebrating Christmas and ringing in the New Year.

Walking along the seashore soothes my soul and nourishes my spirit.

I think back on 2015, desiring to let go of its sorrows and disappointments,
while holding on to its joys and victories.

I prepare my heart for what lies ahead in 2016.

My word for 2016 is to be LISTEN.
I heard it whispered into my heart,
then it was confirmed to me over and over again in various ways these past couple of months.

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Neat shots! God must have a vacation home at the beach - I always see him there!

  2. Just gorgeous! Cannon Beach? I always see God in nature.

    1. Yes, Cannon Beach! Is there anyplace more beautiful?

  3. Replies
    1. I'm hoping to listen to God more attentively, hear more clearly, and heed wholeheartedly!

  4. Love your 2016 word, and these pictures----oh, wow! I'm working on a blog about my word now....


  5. Oh, I wish I was there! Your photos are gorgeous! No quiet week here - cleaning and rearranging our home for carpet cleaners who come tomorrow. Then preparing things to be ready for my sweetheart's surgery on Monday and recovery at home afterwards. Planning quiet moments for that time and hoping that can really happen. Have a great time at the beach. Glad you are there!

    1. Praying surgery goes smoothly and recovery is speedy!

  6. This, "desiring to let go of its sorrows and disappointments,
    while holding on to its joys and victories." Yes! and Amen. Wishing you a JOYous new year, Elizabeth!

    1. June, doesn't every year after a mix of both? :)

  7. I can hear the pounding surf and see the glistening across the water. Would love to be in the cabin next to yours so we could talk and walk and listen together. xo

  8. Listen - what a wonderful word! I can hardly wait to watch this journey unfold in your life, and to read your insightful thoughts on it. I am revealing my word next week, and it's going to stretch me because it doesn't come naturally. But, I think you will understand the power of change that it will bring!


    Happy New Year!

  9. What beautiful images! I love the idea of "listen" as a word for the year...I have chosen "execute" - I've researched and the plans and it is now time to execute them. That has come clear to me repeatedly over the last couple of months ;)

    Stopping by from Image-in-ing!

    1. That's such a great word! Reminds me of the Nike theme, "just do it!"

  10. Those were such beautiful photos. Your post was just lovely. Happy New Year.

  11. Such beautiful light and sense of solitude and peace.


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