
Monday, December 14, 2015

It is well...

On the flight home from St. Louis last weekend, I began to feel the dreaded signs that I was getting the cold/flu that my husband had been suffering through for several days. So, I mostly spent the past week huddled at home in my pajamas, except for pre-scheduled events that I couldn't miss. I'm still blowing my nose too often and tiring more easily than normal.  I've still got the Christmas grocery shopping and baking to do and then there's the annual Christmas letter not even begun, nor the cards to all of the people in our church.  Somehow, though, sitting here in my home with Christmas music playing in the background and candlelight fighting against the gray gloominess of a typical Pacific Northwest rainy day it is well with my soul, in spite of the flu and a daunting to-do list.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-my nephew's birthday
-hot Pho soup 
-old Christmas movies

-the Revelation of Jesus Christ
-vitamins and immune booster and juice and hot lemonade
-our annual Ladies' Christmas dinner and gift exchange, 
(a great evening in spite of fighting the flu, rain and flooding)

-feeling some better
-the new shades for our living room came!
-relaxing with my husband and watching a favorite show after we installed the shades

-craft morning with some of the ladies from our church
-a nap in between church activities
-doing the She Reads Truth Advent study in my home with some of the ladies from our church

-lunch and a movie for our Friday Date Day
-texts from my girls saying they miss us in this busy season
-our cozy bed and more Christmas movies

-writing in my pjs in my home office
-making beef stroganoff for dinner
-new flannel sheets on clearance after tearing our old worn out ones

-our church
-visiting with the owner of a favorite restaurant after eating Sunday lunch there
-going to the Northwest Gospel Concert downtown

gratefully yours,


  1. Praying that you will be 100% very soon--it was a lovely week in spite of the cold and flu--love, love, love your new home--the merriest of Christmases to you--much love--

  2. I really hope you are completely better very soon. I enjoy your blog and wish you a very happy Christmas. Sammie.

  3. I feel the dreaded cold signs coming on. I hope you're better! Lovely list as always.

    1. Start taking extra vitamin C and immune booster! I'm doing better but still not back to normal energy level.

  4. Praying for a speedy recovery! Your new shades look great!

    1. Thank you so much, Jeannette! I'm feeling much better, just not quite back to full energy level.

    2. Sounds like a sensible and sweet way to heed your body's warnings. Hope your energy returns and matches the things that are necessary to accomplish God's purposes for you and your family this season. ♥

    3. Thank you, Rebecca! I'm doing better now.

  5. Elizabeth, I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I'll pray that this flu or sickness whatever will go and you'll have healing in your body! Sometimes being forced to sit or lay and just reflect on things by the twinkle lights with music isn't so bad is it? It looks like you're having a wonderful Christmas season and I'm so glad! I've been meaning to tell you that my mom always reads your blog and flows you informally. She isn't one to comment on here, but she absolutely loves your devotionals and how you share your heart about the Lord. Also she is happy about your new home and finds is very beautiful, as do I.
    Have a Blessed Christmas,

    1. Thank you for letting me know about your mom. What a blessing! Thanks so much!

  6. (I meant to say "follows" you, not "flows". oops!)

  7. I hope you are feeling better. So sorry we missed our get-away day together but happy you could rest and take care of yourself. I love reading your gratitude list. So many blessings in the middle of everyday life!

    1. It took me a good week to feel like my energy was back to normal. I'm doing better now. I'm sad we had to miss our time together too.


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