
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New beginnings...

(Revelation 21:5)
New Year, like the blank white pages of my new 2016 calendar and brand new journal,
Every page clean and unspoiled.  I want the One
Who said He makes all things new to give me a new mindset, the new heart that I need to

Boldly and confidently face this new year.  I want to be filled with faith and expectation that indeed
Everything, all, will be made new and not remain same old same old.
God, my good, good Father has 
Indeed been so good to me.  He's given me so many of the desires of my heart, more than just my
Needs.  So I present to Him this request, this need, this desire of my heart to be made 
New so that I'm not dirtying the pages of this new year with the smudgy ink of yesterday's pain.
I can't change others, and I don't have the power to change all of life's circumstances.
No, but I can let God change me.  I can yield myself into the hands of the Master Potter and ask
God to mold me and shape me and make me new.  I can 
Seek Him and ask Him to help me to walk into this new year with a fresh, new attitude.

still following,

Darling Downs Diaries

USE this for BLOG


  1. Amen, dear friend. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. "I can yield to Him and let Him change ME...." that is my prayer as well. Thank you, friend.

  3. creatively written...
    Like you, my desire is "just to be clay in the Potter's hands".
    God bless us everyone. ♥

    1. Thank you, Rebecca! I love that we are on this journey of yielding to the Potter together. We can trust His hands.

  4. Beautiful, Elizabeth. Thank you.

  5. So lovely Elizabeth! I too am looking forward to a new beginning with the Lord this year! Happy New Year to you and yours! May God Bless you abundantly!

    1. Happy New Year to you, too, Cheryl! You are a blessing!

  6. Beautiful...Thank goodness He's in the new beginnings business. May your new year be filled with peace and joy.....

    1. I love that! "He's in the new beginnings business." Amen! And a blessed New Year to you, too!

  7. beautiful acrostic, elizabeth.
    may your 2016 be blessed to overflowing.

  8. I love how you put this together, Elizabeth~~~ It's just beautiful.

  9. Yay, Elizabeth! You did it. Don't you love alpha poems. When I wrote my NEW BEGINNINGS poem that you read on my FB page, what is so staggering to me (actually whenever I write these) is that God gave me fresh insights I would never have considered otherwise. I love the Eureka moments God gives through alphas, and also the clarity. Poetry is such a precise container in which to capture deep truth. Thank you for sharing this. I love what He's shown you. It's a beautiful, heartfelt poem. Do you feel God showed you anything new?

    1. Thank you for the inspiration, Lynn. You are a blessing. God confirmed to me some things that He has been speaking to me as I wrote.

  10. That's a lovely way to end & start a New Year. God Bless.

  11. Great reflections and hopes and challenge to not smudge the new year with last year's pain.

  12. Love this!!!

    Happy New Year, sweet friend. xo

    1. Happy New Year to you as well! You are a blessing.


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