
Thursday, December 17, 2015

On being needed...

While I was doing my Christmas grocery shopping the other day, stocking up on the items I would need for baking Christmas goodies, I had an overwhelming sense of missing my mama.  I thought about how much she would have liked to come over and see our new home, how she'd be happy for me that I now have the big open kitchen/dining room I always wanted.  She would smile that I no longer have to try to function in the wee little kitchen of our former home.  I wished she could come over and just sit and visit with me while I did the Christmas baking, even if she wasn't up to helping much. With the missing her, came the knowledge that, at age 58, I was needing my mama, and I wondered if I'd ever told her that.  Did I ever tell my mama that I'd never outgrow needing her?  I didn't need her help with the baking, I didn't need her for what she could do for me, I needed her for what she was to me.   I fear that in her later years, when she was the one needing my help, that I lost sight of all this.

Knowing that we're wanted is, I believe, a fundamental key to emotional health.  I'm fond of telling my grandkids, of all of the six year olds, (insert age of whatever one I happen to be talking to at the moment), in the whole wide world were lined up in a big long line and God said, pick whichever one you want as your granddaughter/grandson, I would always choose you.  But, as we age I think there comes a time when it's nice to know that we're not just wanted, but that we're still needed.  Now, obviously there's an unhealthy needing.  If my grown/independent kids still need me to pay their bills and clean up after them, that's unhealthy.  However, to know that you're a valuable and necessary part of someone's life, in the family circle, in the church, is important in my opinion.  Mama's been in heaven five years now, so I can no longer tell her that I need her, but there are a lot of people in my life that it's not too late for me to tell that they are a much wanted, much needed, important part of my life.

still following,

Darling Downs Diaries

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  1. Oh, how your words can shoot straight to my heart! They always seems to come at the very exact time that I truly need to read them. I am missing my beautiful sweet mom this season as well. I haven't really been able to fully comprehend all the swirling emotions inside of me until I read this just now. As always you are spot on. There are those still in our earthly life that we can let know that they are treasured, special & much needed in our lives. You, my friend, are one of those very people that I am thankful for God bringing into my life. Praying that you & yours have a very blessed & Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you so much. You bless and encourage me to keep on writing!

  2. Wise woman, thank you for this reminder. xo

  3. Elizabeth, you're right.... my mom's been gone over 20 years and I miss her most at Christmas.
    I like these lines, " However, to know that you're a valuable and necessary part of someone's life, in the family circle, in the church, is important in my opinion."
    Good reminder, friend.

  4. Oh,Elizabeth, this brought tears. My dad's been gone over 20 years but I still have my 93 yr. old mother. I don't tell her enough how much I love and need her. I'm going to make it a point to do it more. Thank you!

    1. Gayl, what a blessing to know this encouraged you.

  5. Your words touch my heart deeply. As I care for my dear, little mother who needs me it's easy to lose sight how much I need her. To be needed is what we all long for. I'm blessed by you, dear friend - and I need you in my life. Coming here to hear your heart makes a difference in my day!

  6. Your words touch my heart deeply. As I care for my dear, little mother who needs me it's easy to lose sight how much I need her. To be needed is what we all long for. I'm blessed by you, dear friend - and I need you in my life. Coming here to hear your heart makes a difference in my day!

  7. This so touched me today! Thank you.

    1. Barbie, you are such a needed voice of love and encouragement online...keep on keeping on friend, keep on writing.

  8. so beautiful, my friend. Sending a hug.

  9. always!!! And now would be a good time tell you, "Your blog
    is needed and wanted by your readers!!!" I always feel a peace after reading have a gift. Thank you!!!
    Bless You,

  10. I want to share this with every young person!
    So touching and beautiful.


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