
Sunday, January 10, 2016

A divine choice...

I am a divine choice.
You are a divine choice.  
Psalm 139 makes that truth clear.
In that same chapter in the Amplified Bible, 
verse three says that God sifts and searches out our path.
This leads me to believe, that not only are we a divine choice,
but the things on the path before us are selected by Him as well.
These six years of journaling my blessings, noticing His hand in my daily life,
I've become more conscious that in every moment of every day,
He is with me,
and I am greatly blessed.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-a walk to the park in the snow
-Thank you, God.  We found our missing passports!
-God's provision and faithfulness to us
-an unexpected blessing

-a sweet time in the Word and prayer
-a nice walk/run
-God's guidance in a decision
-an unexpected evening outing with my husband
-the way God meets our needs, and also so many of our wants

-the book Fervent-it's helping to re-energize my prayer life
-a healthy body
-the Holy Spirit-my Counselor, Teacher, Helper, Friend

(It's only in posting this that I realized I skipped a whole day.
It was rather a busy, hectic one, 
but I thank God for being with me as I counseled and did some work at the church,
and also had our two sweet grandgirlies overnight.)

-our second born and youngest grandson stopping by to have breakfast with us and our two youngest granddaughters who are staying with us for two nights
-taking our granddaughters to Dizzy Castle indoor playground

-our six year old granddaughter falling asleep while looking at books,
though she insisted she's too old for napping
-7000 blessings!!! 
-praying together with my husband

-my husband making the grandgirlies breakfast while I sipped coffee and tried to wake up
-the girls riding bikes to our neighborhood park
-my husband helping me with chores

-communion and prayer with our church
-lunch with our kids and grands after church
-oldest granddaughter spending the afternoon with me

still following,


  1. I've missed stopping by your space. I love coming to read your gratitude posts.

  2. So many reasons to be grateful each and every day. And aren't grandchildren almost at the very top of the list?

    1. Grandchildren are definitely one of life's greatest blessings!

  3. You have added so much to my life by your faithful listing of your gratitudes. I am anxious to see what work God is going to do in my life as I focus on being *grateful* this year!

    And YAY for finding the missing passports! What a relief!


    1. I'm excited to see what God does in your life as well!

  4. Thank you for another day of encouraging words. Hope your week is warm and blessed!

    1. Anne, thank you, and may you be blessed as well!

  5. Hi Elizabeth! Imagine. All those thanksgiving moments, and how they have changed you. Isn't that a testament to the power of gratitude?
    God bless your work at the church! Sometimes that's expressing grace and gratitude too, maybe you didn't have to write it down that was on your heart instead.

  6. "Grandgirlies" - I'm going to start using that! What beautiful blessings you've pulled out of your days! I've been thinking about starting to journal my blessings again - I think I need it. It keeps me focused on him! Thank you for this! Shalom, Elizabeth!


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