
Saturday, January 16, 2016

A little something to help you remember to cast your cares on God...

Are you a fixer? I sure am. I like to fix things around the house. I like to turn someone else's trash into a treasure with a little paint and maybe some glue and a few nails. Unfortunately, I also try to be a fixer of circumstances beyond my control and a fixer of people. If you want an exercise in futility and frustration, just try to change someone besides yourself!

I once heard Joyce Meyer say that her husband Dave says, "Do what you can, then cast your care." In other words, there are things that are our responsibility to take care of, and things we just have to trust God with. For example, I am responsible, with God's help, to be the wife, mama and nana that He would have me to be. But when it comes to changing my husband or children, I've got to cast all of that care onto God's shoulders instead of trying to fix them myself.

Did you notice there's a whole lot of ALLs in the verse above? No care is too big, and no care is too small, to give to God.

And did you also notice the words "once and for all"? How often have I cast my care on God, then picked it right back up? Too often! To help me remember the "once and for all" sometimes I write down what I'm casting onto Him,then physically put it down somewhere, and refuse to pick it up. (For the rest of this post join me on Sunday, Jan. 17th, at Woman to Woman Ministries for some Sunday Soul Food AND A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRINT to help you to remember to cast your care on God.)

still following,
Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. Good Morning Elizabeth....A perfect verse for me today. I am a fixer too and way to often God has instructed me to take my hands off so He can work.

    1. Me too, Nancy! He has been dealing with me strongly about this!

  2. Another timely & much needed post. I am going to continue to reflect on the words you wrote here. I want & need to embrace them with my whole heart especially about wanting to change others.

    1. Me, too, friend. I need God's daily help to let go of my fixing other people habit.

  3. So so good, Elizabeth! Love the reminder that we do what we can and cast the rest on the Lord. It seems as though most things are out of our control, but how wonderful to be able to cast our cares on Him.
    Mary Alice

    1. That is so true, so much of what we waste our energy worrying about and fighting against really is out of our control. The only answer is to cast it onto God, to relinquish it. Why do I so often forget this?

  4. I absolutely love how the Amplified Version translates this verse! It's always been a favorite of mine. And, it's especially timely right now. I'm staying with my mother right now. We had termites, and the termite company came out Friday to do their treatment. Well, they accidentally broke a pipe while doing the treatment. Their plumber could not come out until this morning, and then he couldn't fix the problem. We're currently waiting for someone else to arrive. We have had to have the water off, except for brief times of necessity, since Friday midday. It's a tough inconvenience, especially for Mom.

    I am reminding myself that this problem was on God's calendar. And all my agitation over it matters to Him. I can't fix it, and I'm having some trouble leaving it at the Cross today!! But, He cares. And because of that, I know that this will work out...


    1. Oh, Sharon! I pray that there is a speedy and full resolution of all this. I know that I failed to cast my care too often during our move and renovation. Living in upheaval is the thing that causes me to really struggle to remain at peace.

  5. I'm slowly learning this and it's reinforced almost everyday when raising four children! I feel how The Lord is changing me so I know He has it all under control :) Thank you for this wonderful post!

    1. Carrie, raising four children makes casting your cares on God a very frequent event! (I know because of my three!)

  6. A much needed reminder for me today!

  7. Boy!!! You really have the timing for the perfect posts!!!! Last night I tossed and turned all night. Doing the "yo-yo" it to God, then reeling it back in to take the worry on it myself!!! I have so much anxiety about this upcoming move I NEED to make. It doesn't help, being alone in this (no spouse) and having 25-30 years of stuff to clean out and home repairs to finish. It's a mountain!!! Only will get there one step at a time.
    Please put me on your prayer list!!! Thanks for this post.

  8. This is one of those verses that is especially powerful in the Amplified Bible, isn't it?! The WHOLE of my care . Good word - thank you for sharing

  9. Once and for all, forever and ever, is all I can count on in our world. Hope that, when in Heaven, it will all be forever and ever. You've done much for many. Appreciate you! Bless you!! [AND I MISS YOU!!!]

  10. Hi, God is showing me to cast my care regarding blessing my enemy. Like, I'm pretty sure Jesus just saved my life. But I'm learning to cast my care. I have seriously done all I can do. God bless you for showing me I need to stop being a fixer.


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