
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A prayer...

I am like a tree stripped bare in Your presence.
I lift my arms to you.
Nothing that I used to trust in covers my bare boned nakedness.
All of my false armor has been stripped away.
The carnal weapons that I've used to fight against flesh and blood have proven too heavy and completely futile.
All of my self efforts to keep my life neat, tidy, controlled, predictable, safe, protected,
have done nothing but produce all consuming weariness.
Gently, patiently, tenderly You've uncurled my tightly gripped fingers off of it all.
The control, the armor of my own making, the futile efforts of self protection.
I know that when it all shakes down, the truth is that all I have is You and all I need is you.
You have my wholehearted yes.
In thousands of little ways, You've patiently shown me your very personal care for me.
You've shown me that You love me, (ME!), intimately, personally.
You've proven time and again that I can trust you.
I want to live life your way, to battle Your way, with Your weapons, against the real foe.
Teach this old dog new tricks, time tested realities of living life as more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.
Wrap my nakedness in Yourself, keep my life hidden with Christ in God.
Help me to live my life fully consecrated to You.
My heart's desire is for the rest of my life to be the best of my life.
You're the only source of that kind of wholeness, of that kind of fullness, 
of that kind of abundance.
Strengthen me in the hidden depths of my inner being.
Let the life giving sap of Your Spirit flow, causing tender green shoots of new life to spring forth.
Let the new thing You are doing in this old, naked tree bring You praise and glory.

still following,


Darling Downs Diaries

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  1. ... with heart stripped bare, i'm Yours ...

    beautiful post, elizabeth.

  2. Yes! Only You, Lord - only You!

  3. Beautiful prayer! I love how you released it all to God.

    I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and see how you are doing?? I am praying for you as we journey through this week!

    1. Happy new year! I'm doing well. Thank you for your prayers, Mary!

  4. Yes! "Teach this old dog new tricks!" That would be me, too! I all too often think I have things figured out...and I try my own tricks and short cuts instead of relying on God to work things out his way.


    1. I'm a "fixer" and have wasted so much effort that should be focused in prayer, yes, this old dog needs to learn to do things God's way!

  5. Tears...tears of joy for the what God is doing in you, tears because the words sound familiar to this heart. Praying for you to have a blessed time. Can't wait to see what He brings forth in your life!

  6. Beautiful! I love the phrase, "You have my wholehearted yes." That's my hearts cry too!

  7. God is enough. Beautiful prayer of release, Elizabeth!

  8. Elizabeth,
    Loved this...Amen. I couldn't pick just one phrase...Blessings to you, sweet friend :-)


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