
Monday, January 25, 2016

Bowl of {Mandarin} Oranges...

 "But if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall.
Then I think we would see the beauty.
Then we would stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges"
"Bowl of Oranges" by Bright Eyes

Today was beautiful in every way.

The weather was sunny and spring like.

(edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, lighten, 15% opacity)
I was able to begin my day unhurried.

I had a sweet time in my home office with my Bible, some journaling, some prayer.

(edited with Kim Klassen's 99 texture, multiply mode)
I did a bit of creating and crafting.

I went on a run on the path that runs along the Columbia River with a friend from church.

(desat 10%, flo preset 20%)
I ran some errands and bought a few groceries.

I did some laundry.

(edited with Kim Klassen's benjamin texture, hard light, 20% opacity)
I made a healthy dinner for my husband and myself.

Oh, and I took a few still life photos of the mandarin oranges I bought at the grocery store.
They're in the beautiful pedestal bowl that I found a while ago.
 I wanted an ironstone fruit bowl for quite some time, 
and then was blessed to find this bowl for only thirteen dollars.
It's not antique, but I am still smitten.

(edited with Kim Klassen's 0411 texture, lighten, 20%opacity)
I'm not always blessed to have an unhurried Monday.
Sure, I have a running to-do list of things I could have, maybe even should have done.
Yet, I don't feel a bit guilty.
Today I didn't just photograph a still life, I lived a still life.
It was lovely.

still following,


  1. Very pretty, Elizabeth. Nice contrasts in these shots.
    Thanks for linking up at

    1. Thank you so much, Sue! Thank you for hosting each week!

  2. Beautiful and it was restful just reading about your day!!

    1. It was very restful and wonderful. Today the weather was rainy and gray and I had a lot more to do!

  3. Living a still life - amen to that, my friend. So happy for your day! Blessings.

    1. My days aren't all like this, but I do so want to have that peace and stillness ruling my heart and mind!

  4. Beautiful - and I loved your last line - lived a still life!! I had a similar day yesterday and it's definitely the way I want to live every day. (as much as possible)

    1. Wow, today was nothing like yesterday's lovely weather, and it was a whole lot busier as well!

  5. I would love to live the still life even for one or two days! I could feel the stress draining out of my shoulders as i read your day's activities. Sounds lovely. #LTTL

    1. It was heavenly. Today was gray and rainy and a lot busier!

  6. Such a lovely day! And congratulations on the white bowl - looks so pretty with the mandarins!

  7. Your last two lines made me smile. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  8. Those cut, juicy mandarins look so good! I'm glad you enjoyed an unhurried Monday. Your day sounds so peaceful!

    1. They're sweet and delicious as well as pretty!

  9. I, too, love that conclusion about living a still life -- just for one day. It wasn't that you sat immobile and did nothing; it was a matter of stilling that inner voice demanding that you get to WORK, and enjoying a day filled with sweetness instead. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your example of setting aside time for the still life! Gratefully Nancy (a Glory Writer).

    1. Thank YOU, Nancy for popping in, and for your encouragement.

  10. Adore the cutting boards and love the simplicity of your fruit bowl - very nice still life.

    1. Nicki, the cutting boards are some of my favorite things. Thank you so much!

  11. Ah....I LOVE bowls of bright....and I really like the way you've added leaves. And I like days I manage to live a still life too!

    1. The mandarins still had leaves and stems attached so that drew me to them in the store!

  12. Now I'm able to comment, but I didn't change anything. Oh well.

    Beautiful photos.

  13. Wow. As stunning and beautiful the bowl of oranges are, can I tell ya how mesmerized I am by your backdrop of cutting boards??!!?? Love that idea! Thanks for sharing at Song-ography.

    1. It's one of my favorite collections! Thanks for hosting!

  14. Love, love, love your still life. I am glad you are back at it. The first and last shots are my favorite, but I really like that you can see your boards on the wall in every shot. Well done.

    Lisa at Life Thru the Lens


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