
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Remembering with thanks...

I think I'm on my fourth, or maybe it's the fifth, journal full of thanksgiving in this journey I've been on. I've been gratitude gathering almost six and a half years now, counting my blessings and writing them down.  I've passed seven thousand blessings that I've counted now.  I wonder what my children will think someday in the future when they find these journals with lists of things from "a hot cup of coffee" to "a big financial need met".  They'll see their names in there too, and the names of their children, the most amazing blessings God's given me.  They are my sure sign that God's grace works in our weakness, for I sure fumbled the parental ball plenty of times.

This week my list is full of things related to getting to spend time at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City with our sweet friends, (which seems not quite the right word since they feel like family), the pastors of our church's Truelife EspaƱol.  It was wonderful spending time in the prayer room, and we especially enjoyed being with them and their sweet baby girl, who was an angel on this trip. She was not cranky once, in spite of the travel, the long hours in the prayer room, and the different time zone.  

Coming home always fills me with gratitude as well.  Home, to me, is like a warm embrace. In this life, in our life, there are problems, challenges and even heartaches.  Yet, I see, I know, that I'm so richly blessed by my good, good Father God and I know that I can trust Him.  Counting your blessings, seeing and recording God's hand in your daily life, really does cause you to trust Him more.  I highly recommend that you try it for yourself.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a safe flight to K.C.
-getting to share this time at I.H.O.P. with W and S
-texted drawings from our six year old granddaughter
-a power nap
-sweet presence of Jesus

-the washing of the Word
-finding the perfect hat on clearance for the 20 degree weather
-yielding, relinquishing, trusting, hoping

-You know me fully, wholly.  You understand all of my ways and yet You love me.
-dinner at Cinzetti's with our friends that live near K.C.
-my husband praying with me

-new mercies, forgiveness and grace
-a fun evening at the plaza 

-communion and prayer together

-a smooth flight back home
-youngest grandson coming with mama to pick us up from the airport
-our daughter making dinner for us
-a photo of our youngest granddaughter playing "nun" after watching The Sound of Music

-a grocery cart full of veggies for a healthy restart
-green plants in bleak mid-winter

-"wogging" (walking/jogging) and listening to podcasts

-waking up earlier than normal and puttering around the house before church
-a much needed word
-God's faithfulness
-a parking lot chat with a friend
-God's resolution of a concern

still following,


  1. """the washing of the Word"""
    ahh yes, like the spring rain watering the earth.

  2. Sweet retreat to spend time with God - what a blessing to your soul.

  3. I think your gratitude journals are going to be a great witness to your kids of their mother's deep love for God. So glad your trip went

  4. Love all the gratitudes - and what a legacy you're leaving for your family. Both your living example, and the words that I'm sure will be handed down.


    (The visual of your young "Maria" from Sound of Music was too precious!!)

    1. I would show you the actual photo, but her shirt was pulled as her head covering so she was a topless nun!


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