
Monday, January 4, 2016

Snow and ice...

(edited with Kim Klassen's Monday texture, hard light, 30% opacity)

Yesterday's snow turned into last night's freezing rain, coating everything with ice.
Today, I had a list of things I wanted to get done, but I couldn't seem to get motivated.
I decided to get my camera and take a walk, (slowly and carefully due to the ice),
 to the neighborhood park, 
knowing that temperatures would be warming up this afternoon and everything would begin to melt.
Turns out, that walk was just what I needed, and I accomplished quite a bit after returning home.

(edited with Kim Klassen's just a touch texture, hard light, 30% opacity)

 (edited with Kim Klassen's rainy day texture, hard light, 20% opacity)

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Very pretty but I'm glad this isn't the view outside of my house!
    Thank you for sharing at

  2. Your photographs are lovely, Elizabeth. And I loved your post about your dinner for you church staff. Your tables were beautiful and your dinner rolls made me hungry!

    1. Thank you, Mary! Bread is my favorite thing to make. I still can't make it as good as my mama's, though.

  3. great shots, elizabeth!
    almost like being there..

  4. It has been a beautiful couple of days....I think part of the beauty is knowing how temporary it is!

    1. Yes! I was glad to be able to walk and even jog a bit today, now that it's melting. Yesterday I had to walk very slowly and carefully due to the ice.

  5. Sometimes we just need to clear our head (and heart) in order to keep moving forward. Lovely images as always, Elizabeth!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I've never gone on a walk and come back feeling worse. A walk always refreshes me, body, soul and spirit!

  6. This gives me the inspiration to step out and come back refreshed.

    1. Yes, I keep saying, but its' true, I'm a much better person when I get outside and walk!

  7. My sweetheart had surgery yesterday. I stood at the big window in the waiting room - and I longed to have my camera and head outside for a walk. The ice-coated branches fascinated me and the world outside that room was filled with wonder. A walk and photos were not meant to be but the pictures remain in my mind! Thanks for sharing a bit of your winter world with us.

  8. Oh, Elizabeth~positively beautiful. And everything seems better after one goes for a walk :-)

    1. Absolutely! I'm getting back on my five days a week walking/jogging routine with God's help. I'm a nicer person when I get out and exercise!

  9. And to think... I'm the one who lives in Canada... lol

  10. It does look like a winter wonderland; beautiful. Sometimes a walk is the best thing we can do for ourselves. My mind is usually clearer after a walk as well.....

    1. I've been a walker and sometimes jogger for almost 30 years now, but the last few months have been hard to be consistent with the transition of our move and remodel and then the holidays. I'm a much better person emotionally when I get out regularly!

  11. Beautiful snow photos! We drove to the snow last weekend and threw (tiny) snowballs because it was only in little patches, but what fun!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. We don't get a lot of snow, so when we do it shuts everything down!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Isn't it wonderful how getting out in nature can clear out the cobwebs in our brain? I applaud you for braving the cold! Lately, I opt to just hibernate inside...which is not doing my mood any good at all. :-) The winter captures are lovely and may serve as some motivation for me. But all we've had is pretty snow so far this year.

    1. Yes, it clears the cobwebs and makes me feel so much better!

  14. You were brave to go out in icy conditions. The photos are lovely though. My favorite is the one with the snowman and the lights on the house.

    1. I think I was more desperate than brave. I'm not good at being house bound!

  15. Beautiful photos Elizabeth - but I do hope that weather's not coming our way! :) #LTTL

  16. You found Olaf... that snowman is stinking cute. I have to say I am so enjoying the snow this year, but I know its not normal for you guys. And ice really is no fun. But your shots are fantastic. A great start to a a great New Year :-D

  17. Oh boy, these photographs make me cold just LOOKING at them! Thanks for sharing at Song-ography.


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