
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Speak, Lord, I'm listening...

If you were raised going to Sunday School, you probably know the story behind this scripture.  Samuel's parents had not been able to conceive.  Hannah, his mother, promised God that if He gave her a child, she would give him back to the Lord.  God heard her cry and she gave birth to Samuel.  When he was weaned, she took him to the temple to be used in the Lord's service and handed him over to the care of the priest, Eli.  One night, Samuel heard someone call his name.  He went in to Eli to see what he wanted.  But, Eli hadn't been the one calling him. When it happened again, Eli gave Samuel the instructions, "if He calls you, you shall say, Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening".   The story goes on and tells of the things God revealed to Samuel when he listened to the voice of God.

My word for the year 2016 is listen.  I've come to realize that God is speaking a lot more than I think He is.  The problem is, my ears haven't been tuned in to His voice.  I haven't been carefully listening.  Even worse, sometimes I've heard Him loud and clear, but ignored what He said.  This year, I'm focusing on changing both of those bad habits, the habit of not listening for God's voice, and the habit of not heeding what He says. (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, Jan. 24th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where I'm sharing some Sunday Soul Food.)

still following,

Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. That's a great word for the year, friend. May we stop long enough to listen, and then have the courage to obey.

    1. Yes and amen! One of my favorite authors, Joy Dawson, writes that we don't have reverential fear of the Lord unless we are obeying instantly and wholeheartedly.

  2. Elizabeth, much wisdom here. We must listen with the intent to then follow through. It's amazing the lessons we can learn through one simple word. Blessings!

    1. Listen with intent to follow through, I love that!

  3. Not only is listen a beautiful word, but the whole process of listening is beautiful. Your words, Elizabeth, give me places of my own to ponder.
    To lend an ear to God's word and His will for us is our call. I want to be in that space more than I am. Yet I am learning and listening more.

    1. I'm learning, too. Still failing at times but getting up and counting on His new mercies.

  4. Beautiful reminder of paying attention to what we hear in the Scriptures. I too way too often fail to obey when He speaks and I am guilty of not focusing on His voice during the day. Monday is a new day and new beginnings...

    1. Thank God for new days and new mercies. I'm preaching to myself here, because I still can listen to what I want instead of to Him.


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