
Sunday, January 3, 2016

The week in between...

The week in between Christmas and New Year's was spent relaxing at the beach for a few days,
much needed after the last five months of transition and upheaval, highs and lows.
We came home to host a fun impromptu New Year's Eve gathering,
and then a sit-down dinner for our church leadership on the second.
And then...
It snowed today!
It's so beautiful.
Sadly, that means that we had to cancel church because of the bad road conditions.
(Yes, in our part of the Pacific Northwest a couple of inches of snow shuts everything down!)
It's fun to see everyone out enjoying and playing in the snow,
or, like us, staying warm and cozy indoors and enjoying the excuse to be lazy.
All in all, 2015 ended and 2016 began beautifully.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-starting the day with a slow, relaxing time in the Word
-walking on the beach with my two oldest grandkids
-Papa and youngest grandson playing on the beach
-sunset at Cannon Beach

-just and true are His judgements Rev. 16
-the way our youngest grandson loves his papa

-clear, cold and crisp morning with the moon still up
-an afternoon reading and napping
-an amazing sunset
-some quiet time to write

-everything covered in frost
-a safe drive home from the beach
-having an impromptu New Year's Eve gathering at our house

-sleeping in
-puttering around the house putting away the Christmas decor
-our oldest daughter, son-in-law, and two youngest granddaughters 
coming over for the Rose Bowl and dinner
-setting some goals for the New Year

-cooking for company
-flowers and candles and pretty dishes

-our church leaders gathering in our home

-snow day!
-going to our nephew's house for a snow day breakfast
-finishing journaling my way through my ESV journaling Bible, (it took me 368 days instead of 365)

still following,


  1. Such special blessings! So glad you could have time away. My sweetheart looked at your photos from the beach and suggested we skip out on his surgery tomorrow morning and just head for the beach! Loved seeing your beautiful tables where you served your church leaders. Would love to know your menu. Thank you, again, for sharing your gratitudes. It inspires me to get going again on mine.

    1. praying for your hubby, adrienne!!

    2. We had a cheese tray/crudités appetizer, mixed green salad with pear, feta cheesesnd candied walnuts, dressed with balsamic vinegrette, homemade rolls, baby potatoes roasted with bacon and green onion, boneless leg of lamb, and homemade blackberry crisp ala mode for dessert.

  2. firstly, may your new year be laced in every lovely thing. :) *love* your snowman cup in your header - darling. another year to share spiritual encouragement on your blog. i'm looking forward.

    1. Blessed and happy new year to you, too! May 2016 be a year of miracles!

  3. Hi Elizabeth! Your nature photos, and the ones of your table settings are just beautiful. You really know how to celebrate! I hope you will find 2016 a much more peaceful place, as you continue to find your way in your new places.

    Can't wait to see what God wants to give you in this new year!

    1. Thank you Ceil! Blessed New Year to you, too!

  4. Hi Elizabeth! Your nature photos, and the ones of your table settings are just beautiful. You really know how to celebrate! I hope you will find 2016 a much more peaceful place, as you continue to find your way in your new places.

    Can't wait to see what God wants to give you in this new year!

  5. I am thinking that God has probably used your example of gratitude to speak to my heart. He has given me the word *grateful* as my word for 2016. It doesn't come naturally to me, but I think it's going to effect a powerful change in my outlook. Thank you for your shining testimony to the many ways we can find and express gratitude in our everyday lives.

    I'm grateful for you!!


  6. Your pictures--I always, always love them! Your table settings are so welcoming. I almost felt like I was sitting there chatting with you!


    1. That would be wonderful to sit down and have a chat!


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