
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ash Wednesday reflections...

Adam's image is readily seen in his offspring.  This man made from dust passed on to us his
Sin, selfishness and stubborn rebellion, and we all too readily slog along in his footsteps. Were it not for
His intervention on our behalf, this Radical Redeemer of the human race,
We would be lost forever, forced to pay the wages of our forefather's sin, saddled with a death sentence,
Eternally lost. If not for His intervention, the One Who paid our 
Debt so that we could have eternal life and an inheritance of hope that we 
Neither earned or deserved.  It boggles the mind and stretches our understanding to the limit that the
Everlasting, Eternal One would give it all just to
Save wretches like you and I, the sons and daughters of 
Disobedient Adam, who chose his own way instead of God's, just like you and I do all too often.  Now, we who are
Adopted as His own, long to bear His image, long for His beauty to be seen in us as as it was before that long ago
Yesterday in the garden when satan thought he'd doomed Adam's offspring forever.  Thank God he was wrong.

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  1. This is a nice poem filled with truths and thank God the devil had it all wrong so that through one man's sacrifice- we all can be saved. Visiting you from #TellHisStory...I am your neighbour and I am glad to have read the story that was laid on your heart

  2. Very clever. Nicely done!!!
    God Bless~ Addie

  3. This is beautiful and clever, Elizabeth! I'm visiting from #ThoughtProvokingThursday.

  4. Beauty for ashes. Beautifully written, Elizabeth. Blessings on your week.

  5. Thanks, Elizabeth, for sharing these Ash Wednesday reflections of His love that pursues our hearts through every season. Visiting as your neighbor at the linkup at #RichFaithRising.


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