
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Asking for help...

Who doesn't want to be prosperous and successful?  Who wouldn't want to be know as a person who deals wisely?  I think we all desire these things.  Joshua 1:8 indicates that we need to cooperate with God in some areas if we want to be prosperous, successful and wise. We need to love God's Word and be diligent to read and study it until it dominates our thoughts and influences our words.  We need to love it enough to know what it says and then do it.  

God never said that the key to prosperity and success was to simply demand it, claim it, or declare it.  He said that living a life that lines up with His Word is where true success and prosperity and wisdom is found.  And, our God is so gracious, merciful and kind, that He'll even help us! 

(For the rest of this post, join me on Sunday, February 21st at Woman to Woman Ministries for some Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,
Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. "...until it dominates our thoughts and influences our words. We need to love it enough to know what it says and then do it." Yes!

  2. Amen. What a beautiful key to a prosperous in Him and for Him...and Him Alone. Thanks, Elizabeth.

  3. Always a blessing to see what you showed and how you shared the Word. Made me smile. Bless you!!

  4. "to love it enough to know what it says and then do it" so perfectly put, Elizabeth!

  5. Elizabeth,

    Your words convict my heart.. do I love His Word enough? Ultimately, do I love HIM enough, to spend time soaking up His Word, being changed and molded by His Word and being a witness of what He is leading me to see through His Word?!

    Bless you!


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