
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blessed to be a blessing...

It was a busy week, in a good way.  It was rich in relationships and time spent with our family, with friends, and with our church family.  With our home being more conveniently located closer to our church, and having more living space than our former home, it's been my joy to host people over more frequently than we were able to before. God blesses us so we can be a blessing. I'm truly thankful.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-our granddaughter's 7th birthday
-President's Day
-making homemade bread to go with my granddaughter's birthday dinner, per her request
-birthday dinner at our daughter's
-my granddaughter loving her new Spy Master kit
-two youngest granddaughter's coming over to our house for a sleepover after the party

-the hubs bringing me my morning coffee and making our granddaughters breakfast
 before he went to work
-fun at Dizzy Castle after homeschool work was done
-watching their swimming lessons

-the hubs helping with tidying the house while I was gone
-going to bed early

-listening to podcasts while doing my chores
-my friend coming to see me and our new home
-yummy leftover homemade soup for dinner
-an evening with nothing scheduled

-God speaking to me through Ezra 8
-God helping me to get everything on today's to-do list done
-new curtains!

-a good worship time

-a slow lazy morning on our day off
-hot tea and spicy chicken pad thai for lunch
-seeing a dear one from church at the restaurant 

-a house full of ladies for brunch and crafting
-help with my curtain hanging dilemma on the big window wall
-my hub's help to install the curtain rods

-God's mercy!  Such a great message on mercy at church today.
-a sunny afternoon
-the two oldest grands hanging out at our house until youth group

still following,


  1. It's always fun to read about your week and see your gratitude list. And it was such fun to see your new home, have a yummy lunch in your dining room, shop and share together this week. You are such an inspiration to me!

  2. I love your entries and drawings in your Bible journal! Would you give me some suggestions in starting one of my own......such as materials, what sparks your ideas. Thanks, love your blog.

  3. My old church (before we moved) often used that phrase: "Blessed to be a blessing." I like it a lot. It speaks to the truth that ALL the things and people we have in our lives come from God. And when we get a true sense of His generosity, the only thing that makes sense is passing it on.


  4. It's like walking with you through your week as you point out this blessing or that one. I love the little journeys!
    P.S. I love your curtains, too!


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