
Monday, February 29, 2016

Flowering quince...

(Photo edited with Kim Klassen's just a touch2, hard light, 30% opacity)
The other day I had a meeting close to our former neighborhood in the city.  
I noticed that the ornamental pear and cherry trees planted along the streets were beginning to bloom.
Salmon colored flowering quince blossomed in many of the yards that I passed.
(Photo edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, hard light, 20% opacity)
I've fully embraced our new to us house as home, 
but I'm still adjusting to life in a more suburban/rural setting.
The streets in my neighborhood aren't lined with blooming ornamental trees.
My former home was close to some protected greenspace in the city.
I used to forage some flowering quince branches that bloomed there amongst the blackberry brambles.
I was missing those things as I drove back to our new home.
As I neared our house, I glanced toward a vacant lot that's for sale and saw, smack dab in the middle of the lot, the telltale salmon colored blooms of flowering quince.
What a sweet surprise!
It seemed like a gift from above, just for me.
(Photo edited with Kim Klassen's dreamit texture, multiply mode 100%)
(for songography-lyrics from Les Fleur by Minnie Riperton.
Photo edited with Kim Klassen's waterfront texture.)

still following,


  1. I love your second pic -flowers are beautiful till wilted and on their last breath. I kind of know what it is to adjust to a new living situation ... 1 1/2 years ago we moved from Los Angeles' suburbs to a rural town...I love our house, but I am too, still adjusting to the "culture" here:) Maybe we should keep in contact to compare notes till be both can say "I feel at home where I live. I'm one of the gang:)"
    my blog www(dot) jeshstgermain (dot) com

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanette. I'm hopping over to your place, now!

  2. How beautiful. I hope the flowers hope you adjust to your new home!

  3. Lovely photos!
    Thanks so much for sharing at

  4. God knows exactly what we need, when we need it! What a sweet blessing, Elizabeth! Beautiful images!

  5. You certainly have a way with that camera. Love the pictures. And YES, I do think the tree was put there just for you!!! He knew you would spot it and enjoy it!!!
    ~God Bless~

  6. Those blossoms are beautiful. I can see why you chose to capture them.

  7. I think I need to make a quick trip to Portland! Nothing is blooming...or close to in the NE corner. Even in the more temperate Walla Walla climate, the trees haven't bloomed yet. Only some forsythia is showing up. When we doubled the size of our little house 34 years ago, we had to dig up a Japanese Quince...and the roots were everywhere! It is one tenacious shrub! The neighbor to the west has a quince bush at the back corner of his house, though. :-)

    1. So, do you think they're too invasive to plant in our yard? I love their blooms, but don't know much about them otherwise.

  8. Quince bushes make me so happy--it makes all those hurty thorns worth it. Rejoicing with you in your gift!

    1. Our new yard needs revamping and I'm thinking of finding a flowering quince to plant!

  9. Lovely blossoms and really great edits.

  10. Oh my..that SALMON color is exquisite! Thanks for linking up to Song-ography.

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I appreciate your hosting Sonography each week.

  11. Beautiful photos. I don't think I have ever seen flowers like this. I like the way you have photographed them in a vase and not just on the bush.

  12. Lovely - and definitely a gift - beautiful shots too. It seems a paler colour though than the bush I have in my garden, and no worse for it. Have a great weekend #LTTL

  13. What a great treasure you found!!! I love that. And I hope you are finding many moe treasures this week on your trip.

    Lisa @LTTL


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