
Sunday, February 7, 2016

God is in control...

It's a beautiful spring-like day here in the Portland/Vancouver area.
However, I chose a photo of a stormy day on the Oregon coast for this quote by Ann Voskamp,
because I know that it's a whole lot easier to give thanks when the weather is lovely and life is going well.
 When the storm is raging in your circumstances and within your own soul, 
giving thanks has to be an act of the will, a choice, because your emotions sure won't feel like being grateful.
Whatever your circumstances are in this very moment, from the highest of highs, to the lowest of lows, 
the God Who created you and Who loves you fiercely, is in control.
There's nothing happening to you right now that has caught Him unaware or by surprise.
If you feel overwhelmed by the storm around you, 
ask Him to open your eyes to see the evidence of His presence with you.
Then give Him thanks for those things.
The reins really are in God's hands even though your circumstances feel the opposite of under control.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God's provision for all of our needs
-running into our son-in-law at the grocery store resulting in an invitation to go to their house for dessert
-God's protection from known and unknown danger

-scriptures that I needed at just the right time
-"Nana school" with our first grader granddaughter (giving my daughter a day off of homeschooling)

-homemade chicken and rice soup, good for when my hubs has a cold and I have a migraine

-a day to stay home and recuperate
-my home office-my place to spread out all my Bibles, journal, etc., meet with God and write 
-Psalm 32 - compassed about with God's mercy and loving-kindness

-coffee, a visit, and prayer in our home with a friend from church
-some insights from a podcast while I was listening on my walk
-learning to listen to God's voice about when to keep quiet and when to speak up
-a good crowd at prayer and worship
-receiving prayer for myself

-brunch out with my hubs for our Friday date day
-going to a good movie
-a sweet day together

-God speaking to me from 2 Chronicles 20
-getting yard work done
-cuddling my youngest grandson
-making cookies with my oldest granddaughter
-little things from Father God that He uses to remind me how He sees me, knows me, loves me

-a beautiful spring-like day
-a powerful message
-an impromptu trip to the antique store with a friend

still following,


  1. So very timely. And your words echo my own in my blog post today - God is in control. Even when we can't see Him at work, or our sense of His presence is vague, HE IS THERE.

    Thank you.


    1. I'm behind on my blog reading. Can't wait to read your post!

  2. You are so right, Elizabeth, about the power of gratitude to keep discouragement and depression at bay in times of pain, trial, or hardship. Also, 'loved your personal list of praises for the week--proof that even the small delights of life really do have tremendous value!


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