
Monday, February 8, 2016

In the quiet...

My word for this year is listen.
My desire for our home is that it is filled with peace,
that all who enter will sense God's peace.
Both listening and having a home that exudes peace,
means that I have to pursue stillness and peace within.
I can't really listen if either my outer or inner world is filled with noise.
I can't have a home filled with peace unless I'm at peace.

I'm taking Kim Klassen's online Be Still photography course.
With my current computer I'm unable to run Lightroom, 
so I won't be able to practice all of her editing techniques until I can upgrade.
But, I can practice the pursuit of stillness,
and attempt to capture a sense of stillness and peace in my still life photos.

The photos above are not a staged still life,
but are a photo of what actually is sitting on the old trunk that we've repurposed as a coffee table.
I'm pleased with the mood captured and the effect of the simple edits I did using Kim's waterfront1 texture.

I then tried some shots with the vase of flowers on a plain white cloth.

(lyrics from the song In the Secret by Christ Tomlin)

I'm excited to pursue stillness as well as to improve in my photography skills.

still following,


  1. Elizabeth, your edits are always so delightful.

  2. Beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing at

  3. Nice work, Elizabeth! I love your bowl of succulents! I've been thinking about doing something like that with an old bowl of my dad's. It's not a very pretty bowl, but he remembers it from when he was a child, so I want to keep it. Planting something in it seemed the perfect compromise! Have a wonder-filled week!

    1. That's a great idea for your dad's bowl. (And just between the two of us, my succulents are faux!)

  4. Oh captured the stillness.........and what's captured God's stillness--I truly felt the presence of God over here at your place today, Elizabeth--thank you dear friend--I needed that.

  5. Be Still My Soul, the song comes to mind. Good has been speaking that to me for several months now. Beautiful photos and a beautiful post!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment. God bless you richly as your pursue His stillness and peace.

  6. Peace be still - indeed. Beautiful photography

  7. Lovely! Being still is such a wonderful virtue in our loud world that exalts busyness.
    Mary Alice

    1. You are so right! I was just reading today how busyness is actually a tool of the enemy in our lives.

  8. Beautiful still lifes, even though they were not staged. I hear you on the computer woes. According to Consumer Reports, the best time to buy a computer is in April as that is when new models come out and the previous ones drop in price by 80%.

    1. Thank you so much for the heads up about a new computer!

  9. That's a difficult word in this noisy world but I know you will do well with it. Your photos fit it wonderfully.

  10. Love the softness and peacefulness this images convey


  11. Your photos are lovely! I like your word of the year too. It is easy to get caught up in social media and sometimes not really listen to those who are near and most special to us. Thanks for your visit and for your kind words on our dining room.

    1. Thank you so much. You're not alone in the fight to focus and really listen.

  12. Oh good I am glad you are taking her class... I knew you would enjoy it.


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