
Saturday, February 6, 2016

The powerful weapon of praise...

I hate the devil.  I hate him vehemently.  I'm pretty sure it's okay for me to admit that, because I'm pretty sure God feels the same way.  The enemy of our souls doesn't play fair.  satan, (I refuse to give him the honor of capitalizing his name), and his demonic minions truly do come to steal, kill and destroy, and he'll use any means he can to do so.  

I urge you to stop and take the time to read the entirety of 2 Chronicles 20.  The condensed version is this. When Israel escaped bondage in Egypt, God told them not to attack the people of Moab because their land was not part of what the children of Israel were to inherit.(Deuteronomy 2:9)  Years and years later when Jehoshaphat was king of Judah, Moab and Ammon and the people of Mt. Sier united together to attack Judah.  Their purpose was to drive God's people out of what God had given them to inherit.  (vs. 11)

satan seems to use the same old tricks over and over.  his goal is to keep you from the purpose, promises and destiny God has for your life.  Oh, and he just loves to pour salt in the wound by finding someone you were good to at one time to do his dirty work.  he knows that it hurts a lot more to be attacked by someone you've got an emotional investment in, than someone you don't know.  

King Jehoshaphat seeks God for direction about what to do.  The Lord tells him, "Do not be afraid or dismayed...for the battle is not yours, but God's."  (vs. 15)  In verse 17 God instructs the king that they are not to fight in this battle, but to take their position, stand still, and see the deliverance of the Lord. (vs. 17)  Then Jehoshaphat does an interesting thing, but one that is quite appropriate when you realize that the meaning of the name Judah, the land he ruled, is praise.  Jehoshaphat appointed singers to sing to the Lord and to praise Him, "in their holy garments". (vs. 21)  When they began to sing, "Give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy and lovingkindness endure forever!", the Lord set up ambushments against the enemy and the enemy was self-slaughtered! (vs. 22)  The enemy literally destroyed themselves, killing one another!  

satan would love nothing better than to rob you of all God has promised you.  he will use any means and anyone he can to do so.  When you find yourself under attack, it's all too easy to be dismayed and afraid.  In fact, that's probably a perfectly natural response.  However you need to remember that you have some supernatural weapons at your disposal and a mighty God on your side. 
(Please join me for the rest of this post at Woman to Woman Ministries, on Sunday, February 7th, for some Sunday Soul Food.)

still following,
Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. So true, Elizabeth! Too many people won't acknowledge the truth of satan in our world. He has achieved many victories against us, but not the final one, Amen! It's important not to be naive to his presence. To flee from him, and to trust God to win those battles for us. Blessings on your Sabbath.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement, June. Thank God that He is victorious and that the enemy is a defeated foe!

  2. Thank you so much!! Yes, I'm dealing more and more with the situation in our nation and others that somehow are shared and mixed onto a portion of the Satanic "gifts" and how they think they are focusing on the Lord. So many situations are breaking my heart!! All I can do is consistently worship and praise and glorify the Lord... moment-by-moment, day-by-day, night-by-night. I just truly hope that the worshiping will break into other Christians and other lives that don't understand they are drawn into a Satanic piece. Now I'll shut up. Bless you and thank you. AND I sure loved the picture, b/c the River and the bridge grabbed my heart when you had driven me around that area about 1-1/2 years ago. Thank you and bless you.

    1. Keep praising, Joanne! The battle is the Lord's!

  3. powerful post, Elizabeth. Thank you for the 'Cliff Notes' version. There IS power in praise!

    1. Jody, I just love this passage in 2 Chronicles 20. It spoke to me so powerfully this week that I just had to share it.

  4. Elizabeth,
    Thank you again!!! This reminds me of beauty of psalm 46:10......which I so many times have to take deep breath and remind myself. Moving forward with life's new challenges I will reread many of your posts...thank you again.
    God Bless~Addie

    1. Addie, I am praying for God to be so tangibly present with you through all that you are facing and that you see clearly how He is leading you!

    2. Thank You!!! Sweet Sister!!! I have felt your prayers!!!~Addie

  5. The enemy of our soul would want nothing better than for us never to lift our voices in praise, especially during hard times. Thank you for the reminder that there is power in praise!


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