
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter gratitude...

Today, Easter Sunday, was really encouraging to me personally.  During the worship at church this morning, God spoke something to my heart about the truth that He is the resurrection and the life not just because of the fact that Jesus rose from the dead, not just because of the fact that those who know Him will one day receive immortal resurrection bodies, but because He is able to resurrect and bring life into circumstances and situations that I've deemed hopeless.  In the Biblical account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, the situation seemed beyond hopeless, if that's possible.  Lazarus was not only dead, but he'd been dead four days, to the point that his body was beginning to decay and stink.  Yet, Jesus simply said, "Lazarus, come forth!" and Lazarus walked out of that grave whole and well.  Similarly,  Jesus can speak resurrection life into circumstances and situations that stink!  Nothing is impossible for Him!  Now that's something to give thanks for!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-morning coffee and a sweet quiet time
-His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not end
-fun with our two oldest grandkids, shopping for Easter outfits and going out to our favorite Mexican restaurant

-making Hot Cross Buns with my two youngest granddaughters and their friend
(recipe here)
-taking the girls to Dizzy Castle indoor playground
-way too much bubble bath!
-bedtime stories about when I was a little girl and when their mama was a little girl

-a little shopping trip to find an Easter outfit
-a bargain priced Easter outfit
-going on an evening walk with my husband
-youngest grandson's attachment to his little backpack

-the Bible account of Mary of Bethany's lavish worship of Jesus.  He called it beautiful.
-dinner with my husband before prayer meeting
-a sweet prayer time praying for one another

-having a pre-birthday lunch with my daughter and her family 
-silly youngest grandson saying "nope" every time I asked him for a kiss,
then him running to me and giving me a big hug and huge kiss when we were leaving
-our two oldest grandkids having a sleepover at our house
-painting our nails with my granddaughter

-our firstborn daughter's birthday
-baking rhubarb crisp and dinner rolls to take to Easter dinner
-our painter friend singing along to worship music while he's working on painting the doors and trim at our house
-a sweet wedding ceremony followed by a delicious Hawaiian feast reception
-ending the day with some quiet time

-an encouraging Easter service at our church
-driving to dinner with our son-in-law and oldest grands 
-a wonderful meal and fun afternoon with our family at our youngest daughter's in-law's home

still following,


  1. Beautiful. Happy birthday to your girl!
    Nope! That is so funny. Right now Hollis is calling me NoNo. ;) I think it's adorable.

    1. My grandson is out of town with his mama for a couple of weeks and I'm missing him something fierce.

  2. Another post that has life giving promise in it! Thank you for hearing his words & sharing them to give encouragement. I am going to carry those words deep in my heart. Praise God that nothing is impossible for Him!!!!

    1. Love you, my friend, and believing with you for a good report.

  3. What a wonderful post full of gratitude! I loved reading about all of your blessings. I, too, read Ann's book, and even though I have stopped journaling the things I am thankful for on a daily basis, reading this made me want to resume that. Thank you for the inspiration, and I trust God will bless you and your dear family. Such precious grandchildren you have!

    1. I'm so happy that my post made you want to resume journaling your gratitude list!

  4. Yes, a perfect thought to follow Easter. I once found myself in some circumstances through my own misjudgment. I thought all was lost. But now, as I look back, I stand amazed at the rescue and redemption that Jesus accomplished.

    He is, indeed, The Redeemer.


    1. Amazed at the rescue and redemption of Jesus, yes and amen to that!


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