
Saturday, April 9, 2016


I had an epiphany the other day.  I realized that Jesus didn't attend pity parties when He walked in the flesh on planet earth.  It is written numerous places in the gospels that Jesus had compassion, yet never once in His compassion does He hug someone, pat them on the back, listen to their tale of woe, and then leave them to wallow in self-pity.  

Me, I've been known to throw myself a good pity party a time or two.  As a little girl, when someone hurt my sensitive feelings I'd shut myself in the bathroom and watch myself cry in the mirror!  The more pitiful I looked, the more I cried.  As an adult, my pity parties are more sophisticated.  I may stay in my pajamas and binge watch a favorite show on Netflix or eat something rich and sweet or buy myself something I think I deserve.  I do this and all the while I mull over how I've been hurt or wounded, betrayed or disappointed, unnoticed and under appreciated.  Wallow, wallow, wallow, sniff, sniff, sniff.

Jesus didn't even attend pity parties for people who had legitimate reasons to throw one, reasons a lot more serious than hurt feelings.  In John 5 we find the story of a man who suffered from some sort of crippling disease for thirty-eight years.  When Jesus saw him, the Bible tells us that Jesus saw that he was lying there helpless and that He knew he had been in that condition a long, long time.  Jesus didn't respond the way I want people to respond to me when I'm throwing myself a good pity party.  He didn't stoop down and hug him, pat him on the back, and say, "Oh you poor thing, tell me how long you've been like this?" and then commiserate with him about how unfairly he'd been treated.  What He did was ask him if he wanted to be made well.  In the Amplified Bible it says He asked Him if He was really in earnest about getting well.  The crippled man responds to Jesus with something that sounds to me like an invitation to join him in his pity party.  He explains that he can't get well because no one will help him into the miraculous healing waters of the pool of Bethesda. In fact, he tells Jesus that other people are pushing in before him in order to get into the healing waters themselves.  Now surely Jesus could see that life really had been unfair, unkind and cruel to this poor man. But Jesus doesn't placate him one bit. Instead, Jesus simply says, "Get up!  Pick up your bed and walk!" ...

(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, April 10th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Barbie Swihart

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. I've got to head over to read the rest of this post - you have piqued my curiosity because I am really good at hosting self pity parties! BTW, to answer the question you left at Barbie's - I scrapped my personal blog as I had just started a newer one not long ago. I can't handle more than one at a time :). Barbie is keeping her personal blog. We're so happy you'll be linking up with us at the new site! Blessings!

    1. Thanks so much, Carrie, for answering my questions. I'm excited to see what God does through your new site!

  2. Hello Elizabeth! Thank you so much for visiting my Blog and for your rejoicing with me! As of tomorrow, it will be one month of me being smoke-free!!! Praise God!!
    I'm now heading over to finish reading what you've started here. Oh, funny but my Scripture and a Snapshot for today is in Isaiah as well! Have a Blessed Day!!

    1. Cheryl, I truly am so happy for you! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

  3. A timely word and wonderfully written, Elizabeth! Thank you for sharing and encouraging ... I know the pity-parties, catching the train of thoughts is not easy but it is possible, especially when calling upon the Lord, who is just beside us.
    Blessings to your Sunday & also to the upcoming week,

    1. Thank you so much, Nina. You are so right, taking our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ is such a huge key to not indulging in self pity.

  4. So true and I've had my share of pity parties, too! Thank you for the reminder and beautiful photo :)

    1. I'm sure we are all prone to those pity parties! I'm blessed that you stopped by and took time to comment.


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