
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Don't be a "but you would not"!

Those four words, "but you would not" may be some of the saddest words in the Bible.  Time and time again God had proven Himself faithful to the children of Israel.  He'd miraculously delivered them from slavery, He'd fought for them in battle, He'd miraculously met their needs.  Yet, here they were facing another challenge and instead of turning to God, which you'd think would be their first response to trouble, they decided to seek help from Egypt. God pleads with them through the prophet Isaiah, warning them that Egypt would be a stumbling block to them, warning them to turn to God instead.  The words in this thirtieth chapter of Isaiah are heart wrenching as God tells them how He is waiting and longing to be gracious to them and to hear and answer their cries.  But they would not turn to Him.  

It sounds incredulous doesn't it?  But let's be honest, how often is our first instinct in times of trouble to phone a friend or to try to reason and figure out our own way through the situation?  All too often I'm afraid.
 (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, April 17th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Let Us Grow

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely


  1. Thanks a lot for Your post! I think its words just for me in my life situation!

  2. Oh, Elizabeth, such truth and also a BIG "OUCH!" because I have been like the Israelites far more than I wish to admit. I am learning and slowly doing better, but am still in school.
    A great reminder for me. Glad you are my neighbor at Let Us Grow.

  3. Thank you for this timely reminder. Jesus always went to His Heavenly Father first and He is our example. Thank you for this post. Sammie

    1. Thank you, Sammie! Yes, I want to be like Jesus and turn to the Father as my first response in all things.

  4. As usual, you share beautifully! I can hardly ever see and read anything, b/c of my body issue, but you are a wonderful treat! Sure would have loved to have seen you a few weeks ago when I was in Clatskanie and couldn't got back and forth. The Lord used me in different ways and I was taken to the ocean about 4 times and around and about the Columbia River situation. Anyhow, sure wanted to see you!!! You are a treat, and I miss you MUCH!! Bless you.

    1. Thank you, Joanne. I'm glad you had a good trip out here. Much love to you!

  5. And we know which friends to call based on what we want to're right Elizabeth too many times we turn away from instead of toward a God who freely offers grace. Here's hoping you are well. I haven't been able to keep up with comments as consistently as I'd like but I'm glad I made a point of visiting here today. Good stuff!


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