
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Friday Faves...It's not perfect but it's ours

I've blogged previously about the progress we've made so far on our new to us home.  
(See these, here, and here)
We've lived here 7 1/2 months now.
The living room, dining room, kitchen nook, bedrooms and my home office are done.
What's on the back burner at this time is updating the cabinets and countertops in the kitchen,
and the cabinets, countertops, and flooring in the bathrooms.

What's on the front burner right now is yard work!
Somehow, when we walked into this house when it was on the market,
we fell in love with the house and forgot our plan to buy one with a smaller and easier to maintain yard!

(Look closely and you can see we've not put the trim around the bottom of the cabinets since we put in the hardwood floors.)

We opted to keep the oak cabinets because they are completely solid wood, even the shelves inside, 
which is pretty much impossible to find anymore. 
What I'd like to do is either strip and restain the cabinets in a lighter driftwood look stain, 
or paint them.  (Ideally, we'll hire this done.) 
I'm also looking into an idea for new countertops that is economical.  
More on that later.

Meanwhile though, I'm so grateful for what we have, 1990's oak and all.
It's wonderful to have all of this room and all of this light!

Well, it's almost Friday, friends.
Hope you have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
and a safe and BLESSED weekend!


Shabby Art Boutique

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  1. I'm smiling. So happy for you and your family. LOVE your new home (and heart!)

  2. beautiful home! We, too, have oak cabinets and I have a love/hate relationship with them. OUr counter was similar to your and we lived with it for 6 years - finally got something new this year and it's helped me like my cabinets better.

  3. It's beautiful, Elizabeth! I hope we can find a new to us home with lots of light. So many we have looked at are dark and I just can't stand that. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. I love your new home! Seeing the photos of your dining room and kitchen brings such memories of sitting there and sharing lunch with you. God has blessed you with a wonderful, new home!


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