
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

God made you beautiful...

(edited with my own preset "triple")
"God made you beautiful.
You're beautiful, beautiful."

We have five grandchildren.
Each one, of course, is my favorite for each one is unique and wonderfully made by their Creator.
The sweet girlie in today's photos is our oldest daughter's oldest daughter.
She was born, a miracle from heaven, after her mama and daddy struggled with infertility 
and miscarriage for over ten years.
Her mama home schools her, and to help out I've been having Nana school with her on Tuesdays.
Two weeks ago Papa was home with the flu, so I didn't want her to come over and get sick.
Last week, we were out of town visiting my ailing mother-in-law.
She was so sad about missing Nana school for two weeks,
so I decided to make today extra special with a field trip to Huldah Klager Lilac Garden
followed by doing our school work outside at a park near the garden.
Huldah Klager hybridized many, many varieties of lilacs.
My granddaughter loves science so we talked about the science of what Mrs. Klager did
 to make this beautiful place.
The garden is now in the national registry of historic places.
Huldah's farmhouse is restored and open to the public to tour as well.
The old farmhouse is always my favorite part of a visit to the gardens.
(edited using Kim Klassen's waterfront-1 texture, lighten, 30% opacity)

These lilacs with the white border are my favorite.
They are called "Sensation".
After we left the gardens, we went to a lovely little park on the lake.
After we completed our work in one subject, we took a play break.
 (edited using Kim Klassen's waterfront-1 texture, screen mode, 20% opacity)
It was a lovely day for both of us.

still following,


  1. Wonderful shots. And she is quite beautiful... as are the surroundings in these shots!
    Thank you for sharing at

    1. Thanks so much, Sue! I appreciate your weekly link up!

  2. Great pictures!!!! what a beautiful model your daughter is! The first picture is adorable!
    Greetings from Hilde (visiting from Mersad's Through My Lens)

  3. Wonderful photographs especially the one with the child and the flower - this one ist great. Thank you for showing.

    1. Thank you so much! That first one is my favorite, too.

  4. There is a lot of beauty here...thanks!

  5. Absolutely wonderful photos. Such a beautiful child.

  6. Such a treat to spend the day with your granddaughter among Spring's Magic!

  7. Oh that beautiful face with those rosy red cheeks. Gorgeous! thanks for sharing at Song-ography.

    1. I know! I love her so much and am so thankful for her!

  8. What a beautiful place (and) day to spend time together. Your investment in her young life is SURE to be a life-long treasure for her....What a valuable inheritance!

  9. Natural beauties both...your granddaughter and the lilacs!!! I bet the smells were out of this world too.
    God Bless~ Addie

  10. How beautiful! I just bought a well-established plant of Sensation and am hoping it will bloom next year. Your "Nana School" is a beautiful idea and a wonderful time for both of you.

  11. I cannot tell you how much my heart smiles when I read these Nana School posts. You are creating such fantastic memories for your sweet grand-girl. You are one terrific grandma Elizabeth, I want to be like you when I have grandkids one day.

  12. Your granddaughter is going to remember these special days with you, and one glimpse of the flowers from your photos (the lilacs, in particular) will remind you of their amazing fragrance. :-)


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