
Saturday, April 23, 2016

I will not give in...

Folded inside my Bible are some pages of old, marked and tattered paper with scripture based prayers and faith declarations printed on them.  One of those is based on the verse above.  I wrote it in my own words like this, "I will not give into fear, evil foreboding and anxious thoughts, but I will have a glad heart, resulting in a continual feast, regardless of circumstances." 

Some years back, we went through a long "Job season".  It seemed that in every area of our life what could go wrong went wrong. Legal problems, financial problems, relational problems, on every hand we faced loss and turmoil.  I became nervous and anxious. I suppose some would label it post traumatic stress.  I became afraid to check the mail or answer the phone.  A sense of evil foreboding became my constant companion. I wondered when the "other shoe would drop", the next problem arise. (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, April 24th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Let Us Grow

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely


  1. "Still Following" that is the core of our Christian life, the part God wants us to focus on. It speaks volumns to those around us when we go through a tough time and we continue to praise Him, serve Him, allow Him to work His way in our hearts while we struggle down here on earth. Those two words pack the power to draw others to Him and have given you strength to put them into action. Glad I stopped by today.

  2. How I can relate to falling into the "what if's". I also fell into expecting the absolute worst because I figured that would be my life's mark. If only I'd known His Word! I love this verse. It is the opposite of my old mind-think, so I'm saving and tucking inside my Bible. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Carrie, I'm so blessed that this was helpful to you.

  3. Thanks for these words in Your post. It's just the moment in my life I passing through. These words in Your post make me stronger.

    1. Veronika, I'm so happy that this post was an encouragement to you!

  4. Oh!!! Elizabeth,
    Would you PLEASE write a book!!! ...and fill it also with your lovely photography!!!
    Ohhhh, I've had a BIG season of Job. The years, yes, years of my divorce left me in a pit. Waiting for the other shoe to fall....because well, it did. Many, many times.
    I am in a new season now. One of blessings a plenty! Fear does creep in about the what if's....but My Jesus continues to be there....
    Amen!!! Finding your blog was a timely blessing. Thank you.

    1. Addie, pray for God to help me to be disciplined to get started!

  5. #1--what a powerful verse in that Amplified version--wow....
    #2--that little conjunction 'but' sure makes a BIG difference....
    'a continual feast'--I'll take it!

  6. Those are strong words in the Amplified version! I would so much rather have a continual feast, no matter my circumstances, so I am learning to focus on having a glad heart because the LORD has done so much for me!

    1. Kym, exactly! It's a renewing of our mind to expect blessing instead of disaster, and to see blessing in spite of disaster!

  7. Ohhhh, I know exactly what you mean, Elizabeth.

    I understand...thank you.

    1. Thank you, Julie, for your faithful presence here and for your continued encouragement.

  8. Last year was like that for me Elizabeth - so many reasons to give into doubt and fear. But God. Only god could give me the peace I needed until things changed. I know this story will bless many. Thanks for sharing it here.


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