
Monday, April 4, 2016

Paying attention...

If I could go back in time, perhaps this is the one thing I would change.
I would pay attention.
I wish I had a gratitude journal in my own handwriting in which I had noticed and noted in ink on paper, the daily blessings, mercies and miracles of the previous decades.
 Perhaps I'd read things like-

-her brown eyes and big dimples
-groceries given to us when we didn't know how we were going to make it
-the first snow on Mt. Hood
-playing in the ocean at Sunset Beach
-the kid's Christmas program, them all dressed like angels
-she asked Jesus into her heart in Sunday School today
-making up after an argument
-some new tops in the mail that Mama made for me when I had no money for new clothes
-she told me Jesus wants her to be a missionary
-a note of encouragement

There were big highlights that would have made the list. 
We actually won a trip to Disney World in Florida in a department store drawing when our girls were small!
There were big lows that God faithfully brought us through.
However, it's those small ordinary, daily things I would most like to go back and revisit.
I can't go back.
There's no gratitude journal of those long ago years.
But there is for these past seven years. 
God is teaching me to pay attention, to see His grace and goodness 
in all of life's high, lows, and ordinary moments.
And to always give Him thanks...

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-exercise class at church with the young mamas
-lunch with my buddy
-God's faithful provision
-a sunny weather forecast

-an early morning run
-my granddaughter running towards me with a big grin on her face
-the yellow green of the new spring leaves on the trees

-the new white paint on our indoor trim, molding and doors is all done!
-working in the yard on this beautiful day
-phone calls from my girl

-lilacs lining our whole backyard fence
-an overdue hair appointment
-a good walk-giving myself permission to not run due to sore muscles from Wednesday's exercise class
-a great worship and prayer time

-a slow lazy morning on my hub's day off
-morning sunlight streaming in the window

-sitting in our backyard in the evening, discussing plans for changes we want to make

-open windows, enjoying this warm weather
-my friend coming over to help me with yard work
-God helping me with today's list of things to get done
-creamy colored stock (flowers)

-new faces at church
-visiting with my long time friend and her husband over lunch
-a fun wedding shower 
-dinner at our house with the team I went to Nicaragua with-a great time!

still following,


  1. I haven't always put down my thoughts and blessings. I did start a few years ago and still continue to this day. Some days I don't, so I do a catch up. Some days, I read what I did the year before. I usually end up reading much more.
    I have books and books of my "history".

  2. You are my go to blog for inspiration and a great way to start my day - you fill my world with peace! I have a question - do you capture the things you are grateful for just here on your blog or do you use paper and pen in a journal? You reference Ann Voskamp - does she sell a gratitude journal? Thanks for what you do!

  3. Pay more attention---I need that engraved on my forehead. It's such wonderful advice for all times for all ages. Thanks, Elizabeth! I always need to hear this.


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