
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reflections from Exodus 15...

The Lord is
my Strength
my song
my salvation
my God
a Man of War

THE LORD is His name

He is
glorious in power

shatters the enemy

He is
great in majesty

He is 
glorious in holiness
awesome in splendor

does wonders

leads us with mercy and lovingkindness

redeems us

guides us in His strength

reigns forever and ever!

Reflections on the song of Moses that the Israelites sang after their crossing of the Red Sea on dry land and the drowning of Pharaoh's army.  Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, led the women in playing the timbral and dancing. In the very next verse, it says that three days later the people murmured and complained because of their lack of fresh water.  I've wondered how they could see God part the sea and deliver them then three days later doubt His goodness and faithfulness.  Yet, I can recall times I've praised and worshiped God on Sunday, then doubted His faithfulness on Monday.  God forgive me!  I want my mind to be focused on who He is and my heart to be fixed on that truth.  I want to be unshakeable and immovable in trusting Him.

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  1. Elizabeth - such a great reflection and thoughts on Exodus 15. I love the picture and the way you laid out the Scripture -it made it really stand out. My favorite part of Exodus 15 that I am clinging to tonight is He guides us in his strength. Blessings - we are neighbors at #ThoughtProvokingThursday with Lyli

    1. Guides us with strength...that's so powerful isn't it? There's no weakness, no mamby pamby leadership, when it comes to God!

  2. I am there with you Elizabeth. I ask myself why I doubt in the dark, what He has shown me in the light. Then there are times when I can rejoice in the darkness and I KNOW He is with me. I love those times. Amen.

    1. Karla, I agree! Sometimes I "pass the test" and draw near to Him in the trial, other times I wrestle with doubt and self-pity. I so want to always choose the better way.

  3. Beautiful. Glad to be your neighbor at #TellHisStory. Have a blessed week.

  4. I've had similar thoughts, being judgmental of how quickly they turned against God. But then "Yet, I can recall times I've praised and worshiped God on Sunday, then doubted His faithfulness on Monday. God forgive me!" Exactly. Lord, have mercy on us all.

  5. The parting of the Red Sea is my fav bible story. I've wondered, what "IF" I was was there, to witness it.....would that be enough??? Would I doubt His faithfulness.... ever? I've heard the story, I've read the story, I've been witness to His caring and even been witness to some amazing miracles. Yet, yes, I let fear overtake me sometimes too.
    I am a work in progress!!!
    God Bless~


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